Chapter 39

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In Malhotra Mansion lawn ..

Fab 5 followed Mukti.. Cabir put his hand of Mukti's right shoulder who was standing showing her back towards her friends .. As soon as she felt the presence of her friends she lash out to them ..

Mu: Cabir.. jaa na yaar .. what are you all doing here ? What you all think I'll cry for that jerk? .. itni weak nhi hu mai ke uske liye asu bahau.. tha kon wo ? A jerk .. Aur tum logo Kya laga that he affect me? .. No .. guys just go .. go away ..

C: Mukti.. Yr..

Mu: Cabir jaa na .. just.. just.. go away man !!

Manik couldn't hold more.. he come to Mukti & hug her tightly .. Mukti resist in the hug first then finally give up with crying ..

Mu: I hate him Manik.. he is no one to me .. he betrayed me .. usko Kya laga mai jindegi bhar roti rahungi uski liye ? Trust me he don't bother me ..

M: shhh.. bas .. I know that.. & we all know how strong you are ...

With this rest of the Fab5 members joined in the hug .. where Navni also hug each other with teary eyes but only confused soul was there Zubin ..

The next day ..

Today is a big day for Malhotra's & Kapoor's both .. in the morning there is a small puja for Abhimanyu's naming ceremony & at evening hotel opening ceremony..

In Manan room ...

Manik enter to their room just to witness a big fuss between the Malhotra mom son ..

N(shouting angrily): listen carefully Mr.Aarav Malhotra .. today morning there is a puja in the house & you are only wearing Indian outfit .. discussion ends here ..

A: No way .. never ..

N(angrily): Aruuuuu..

M: what is happening here guys ?

As soon as Aarav saw Manik he breathe a sigh of relief .. he just jump on his dad just to get saved from his mom's tortures (acording to Aarav) .. being in Maniks arm Aarav & Manik had some dadson eye talks which only brings a suspicious frawn on Nandini's forehead..

N: Manik don't you dare to distract from the tropic ..

M(innocently): when I distract you from anything..?  if you get distracted just to see me .. that's not my fault ..

Hearing this Nandini blushed a little but immideatly hide it behind her stern face ..

N: Manik.. just shut up ..

M: ok fine .. tell me what is matter .. why are you torturing my one & only vanilla ice cream  ?..

On this Aarav made a ohh soo innocent puppy face ..

N: Manik asked him to wear this Indian outfit for today's puja .. then everything will be shorted ..

A(looking at Manik with puppy eyes & nodding his head negatively): I won't wear it .. I feel uncomfortable..

N: Aruuu.. stop your drama & just wear it ..

A: No

M: ok ok fine .. Nandini you know na he doesn't feel comfortable with this kind of outfits .. so let him wear whatever he wants ..

N: No Mr.Stupid Malhotra .. it's all his drama.. & Manik he looks good in Indian outfit..

Aarav gave pleading puppy look to Manik to convey to save him anyhow .. & in return Manik wink at him indicating he has some plan .. and  Aarav eyes twinkled immideatly ..

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