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Hello guys , sorry for the delay..I know u all are mad at me ..but guys I have informed you na that my exam started from 6th September & it will over on 28th September.. & I have also said that I'll write small small parts during the break so it took time .. & to be honest from now on updates will be little late ..Hope you all know that m a bengoli girl  & Durga puja is near so I'll be busy thses days after exam also tho I'll try my best to update soon & ya after my exam over or whenever I'll get little time I'll reply to your comments ..Once again sorry guys ..

And secondly..why I will put so much effort even during my exam when votes are decreasing with updates where reader are increasing..can anyone tell me why ? Just compare the votes of last 3 updates you will understand ...yes I don't asked for votes & comments but still as I said before it's motivate every writer ...it hardly takes a second to vote yr ..rests are your wish

Anyway..posting next chapter in few mins ..enjoy & keep praying for my exam pls ..I need it ..

You writer

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