Chapter 18

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At Nandini's room in Kapoor Mansion
A serious argument is going on between Mom & Son...that time Manik enter who went to get ready for Roshni's Sangeet ceremony in his soon as Aarav saw Manik he just jump on him to be saved from his mom's tortures..

A(whinning): Dad pls save me ...I won't wear those weird clothes ... they are uncomfortable..

N(glairing): Aru...stop your drama ..& wear this quietly..

A (hugging Manik & whinning) Daddd...

M: Nandini leave it na..let him wear whatever he wants..didn't you hear it's so uncomfortable for him?

On this Aarav nod his head giving approval to Manik's statement..

N(glairing): Manik you just keep quiet ..& Aru come out right now..

On this Manik made puppy face but Aarav care least ..he didn't come out & still using his dad as a shield against his mom by hiding behind him ..

A: No way ..I won't wear that 'korta' at any cost ...what is the problem with jacket or blazer?

N(sternly): No..sadi wale ghar me sab kurta hi pehnte hai...(sweetly) Aru baby are good boy na..pls wear this..

A(with innocent puppy face): Dad I had so many dreams that when my dad will come he will save me from all these tortures of Nandu.. (getting a glare from Nandini) I mean Mom ..I don't wanna wear causes itching..

That's it Manik melted by Aarav's drama & now he will save his son at any cost..

M: Nandini listen..his dreams will be crashed ...& more over that it causes itching ...I think blazer will be perfect..

N: Manik.. seriously? Dreams? He is emotionally blackmailing you..& you are falling for his trap (hearing this Manik look at Aarav who nod his head negatively making the most innocent face) wow ..the great Manik Malhotra is being fooled by his own son ...

M: Nandini he is just 10 can he blackmail ? It's really painful for him to wear this ..

N(glaring manik): Manik tum chup raho..& Aru m last time telling you wear this or else...

Aarav looking at Manik with sad face & Manik think something ..then he wink at Aarav indicating he has an idea..

M: ohh freak..Nandini I just forget to tell you that Navya....(big paused)

N: Manik Navya what ? Is everything fine?

M: ya but she wanted to talk to you ..

Till now Aarav has left the room with his blazer to get ready in Arjun's room..suddenly Nandini realised Manik did this drama to save Aarav & she get little angry on Manik

N(frustrated): Manik you did it to distract me & save him ? Aaarrrrgggggghhhhh (stomping her foot) Manik stupid Malhotra..

With this she also vanished in washroom to get ready...where Manik smile seeing her antics after ages badly he missed all her acts ...

At Hotel Paradise
Every one is almost ready ...Guests are started coming ..The imperial gang has reached already...Rohan is enjoying with them..

Kenny (roaming her eyes everywhere): Rohan where is Aarav?(😉)

Shirley: Yes ..where is he ?

Ro: Guys he isn't here..He will be here any moment with his mom dad...

Devid: Dad?

Ro: yes Aru's dad has come ...

All of them (unison & shocked): Whatttt?

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