Chapter 15: Part 1

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Everybody gathered at my house. We went over the plan a few more times to make sure everybody knew their job inside out. 

I went upstairs to my room and got a briefcase with the money I was going to give to the guy named 'Skin' in exchange for the cocaine. I also got my keys to my secret room where I stored guns and ammunition.

I jogged down the stairs. "I'm going to need Roy, Drew, Quincy, Christian, Issac, De' Quan, Justin, Rodrick, Marvin, Cameron, Colby, Luis, and Daniel to come follow me." I said.

They all followed me passed the kitchen and into the laundry room. I went to the back wall banged on it in a rhythmic pattern and the wall popped off. I slide it over revealing the door. I unlocked it, and walked through. They all looked at me weird.

"What's wrong with you niggas? Come in." The followed into the cramped room. Their eyes widened at all the guns.

"Y'all act like you never saw guns before." I took a gun off the wall and handed it to Christian. 

"You know how to use a gun right?"

"How long have I been working for you? Of course I know how to use a gun."

"Alright." I unlocked the cupboard and all the clips were shown. I got a few out and handed them to him. 

"Don't act reckless with them."

He kissed his teeth. He knew I was right.

He stood there admiring the gun.

"Can you do that outside. Inside is already cramped as it is."

He kissed his teeth again and walked out.

I did that with all of them until it was just me, Quincy, Roy, and Drew in the room. I handed them guns and the case. 

"I'm counting on you three guys. I can trust you the most and I know that you won't try to fuck this up for me." They nodded their heads.

"Good luck out there." I gave them a head nod and they left the room. I locked the cupboard and the door the room. I popped the wall back into place, shrouding the door. I walked out passed the laundry room and the kitchen back into the living room. The 10 guys were already gone, like we planned. At 9:30 the trio were going to leave.

 "Can we pray?" Quincy asked. He wasn't the religious type. So, when he wanted to pray, we didn't object.

Me, Chris, Trell, Nino, Drew, Quincy, and Roy closed their eyes and bowed out heads. 

Quincy lead the prayer. "Dear God, thank you for your blessings you bestowed upon us." I never heard him use the word bestow before. I'm surprised he even knew what it meant. "We pray that everything goes smoothly tonight and that you send angels to watch over to us for tonight. We love you and thank you again. Amen." He finished.

"Amen." The rest of us repeated.



Me, Roy, and Quincy walked drove up to the pier. It was dark with dim lights placed sparsely around. The boat was already there. I checked the time on my watch. 9:53. We were a couple minutes early.

We walked out the car and left the briefcase in there. I wanted to make sure everything was straight before I handed over the money.

Two guys came off a boat. One was really tall maybe 6'10 but, he was skinny as fuck. The second one was short. I mean like Kevin Hart short. The short one asked, "You guys here with Tyga?"

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