On My Way

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My legs ticked nervously as we waited for the plane to take off. "Will you relax? Nothing will happen to us. We are perfectly fine," Lauren assured. Defensively, I looked at her. This was the first time I had ever let my feet off the ground in a giant metal contraption and I didn't trust it as much as I should.

"I prefer my feet to stay on the ground," I groaned. The plane began its take off, and as soon as I was able to see nothing but the clouds, I threw the seatbelt off and began to relax. "Don't wake me up until we get there."

It took me ten minutes before I sat up and sucked air in through my teeth. "Problems?" Lauren smirked, looking up from her book. With a disheveled groan and an eye roll, I threw my blanket in my seat and excused myself to the bathroom.

The brown hair that usually fell in ringlets, was tied loosely at the top of my head. My hazel eyes had little bags under them from lack of sleep the last two days. The bruise on my neck, was fresh and aching and the one around my wrist, was sore. How could I lead a life like this? I let myself get carried away and it ended up with my being hurt.

A knock on the door, snapped me out of my thoughts. Quickly, I zipped my jacket back up and swung the door opened. "You okay?" Lauren asked. "You look a little sick."

"What? Oh, I'm fine....fine," I mumbled. Once I returned to my seat, my eyelids got heavier by the second while the steady flow of turbulence, rocked me deep into sleep.


Lauren had a smile plastered on her face when I peeled my eyes open and her ecstatic attitude told me we had landed. Grabbing our carry on bags from the bin above us, we slowly made our way off the plane. The inside of LAX, was bigger than I thought. Stores lined the walls, people walked, talked and sat in the random places. So many things were different than what I thought. "I can't believe we made it!" Lauren squealed. A small smile broke out on my own face before I could catch it.

"Ouch!" I winced. Quickly, Lauren looked down and released her grip on my wrist.

"Are you okay?" She questioned. With a shrug, I pulled my jacket sleeve down and focused my attention to the signs.

"I'm fine. Let's go. Mom said the driver should be waiting for us at baggage claim," I informed. Lost in amazement, Lauren followed along. As we grabbed our suitcases, I searched the sea of people to find a sign for the two of us. O'Leary and Grey. A smile crept on my face when I saw who was holding the sign. "Peter!" Without warning, I jumped into the mans arms.

"Maya! It's so good to see you again!" Peter squeezed me gently, careful not to cut off my air supply. "You really have grown since the last time we hung out." I looked him up and down quickly after he let me go. Peter had gorgeous dark skin with the beautiful green eyes to match and the brown hair that looked like belonged to a model. His physique was quite exquisite underneath his white shirt. Peter had put in work to look the way he did and you could tell from a distance

"Freshly eighteen!" I smiled widely.

My mother's best friend, Kate, had given us one of her vacation homes for the time being and Peter, was the one who lived there when she didn't. "How have you been? You still living at the vacation house?"

"Only every other weekend, now. I have my own house up in Beverly Hills with my fiancé." Every bit of him was perfect but I was beyond happy to know that he had moved on with his girlfriend and was turning her into his wife. "I have a little girl who should be here soon and we are adopting a boy right after we get married."

"High heavens, you have been a busy man," I winked. Peter opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off. Lauren stuck her hand in between us, offering to shake Peter's.

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