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It was three in the morning when I limped in the direction of the nursery. Bella cried until I couldn't take it anymore and decided to get out of bed. "What's wrong, sweet girl?" I cooed as I leaned over the side of her bed. Almost instantly, she became quieter and I couldn't bare myself to move.

A hand lightly brushed my neck when I stood up. "What are you doing up?" I asked. Daniel smiled as he kissed my neck as light as a feather.

"Figured you might need some company," he whispered. Slowly, his hands traveled down my stomach and lightly traced over the scar on my lower stomach. "And I missed you." I turned myself around to face him and giggled.

"It's three in the morning and you missed me?" I giggled. At the moment, I was wearing nothing but his T-shirt and he had nothing but his boxers. I let my hands tangle into his hair as I kissed him back. Something inside of me lit up in the same second, making me feel like I'd been shocked.

Without saying another word, Daniel wrapped my legs around his torso and carried me out of the bedroom. "Even at three in the morning, you still look really good," he whispered, breaking the silence. I smile lightly and run my hand from his throat to the peak of his boxers. "We don't to wake anyone, okay?" He asked. I giggled and rolled off of him.

"That was always the fun part," I giggled. Daniel laughed and leaned his head against the headboard. From my side of the bed, I could practically see the gears turning in his head. "What are you thinking about?"

He hesitated before he answered the question. "Maya, we're parents now. And we haven't even gotten married yet!" He laughed. Daniel bit his bottom lip before he continued the statement. "I had so many things laid out for my life, and now it's all changed." I sat up and met his eyes.

"Daniel, Peter left her to me. There is no way you have to help if you don't want to. She has my last name. I can do this, alone, you know," I implied.

"I want to help you with everything I can. Listen, I think we can do this. Peter and Gabriela left Isabella to you because they knew you could do it. You are now in charge of taking care of a little human and there is nothing that can be better that. The boys and I are getting things done. In the studio, with the music and whatever else we are going to do. But the one thing that we are going to do, is protect these little girls that now live in this house."

"Maya, I am truly willing to do anything for you and her. You guys are my family. One day, I want to marry you and change yours and Isabella's name to Holmes. Don't tell me you think this is insane because it's not," Daniel breathed. He threw his head back and caught his breath.

He was right. These last few weeks had been tough. We got things figured out and I had officially adopted Bella at only nineteen years old, I was going through physical therapy for my leg and arms and I was still coping with the fact that I would never be able to have my own children. That was every girls dream at one point in there life. To have a daughter that would look just like you and be able to spend all those nights waking up to her little cries. Or at least, that had always been my dream. Now, it was crushed.

The boys had been in and out of the studio, making music and were working on getting their name out into the world. So far, they had a very small fan base and were trying to book some shows around town.

"You are truly perfect." I whispered as I leaned in to plant a kiss on his lips. "I wouldn't want anything more or less."


Lauren and I had taken Alyssa and Bella to the park for a little walk the next day. I had caught her up on everything that happened last night with Daniel and I. "I think this is all crazy. I'm a mother now! Lauren, I just thought it would be easier than this but it's not. Things have changed and I need to get used to them quickly or it may not turn out right."

"That's what being a mom is about. You have to make things work for yourself. The boys are so close to getting that point where everyone knows their name. Just thinking about it, makes me excited!" Lauren laughed. I looked over to meet her eyes for a second. They were lit up like a Christmas tree.

We walked for a little longer before we were met with a coffee shop. I glued my feet to the pavement. "What's wrong?" Lauren asked. I lifted one side of my mouth as I stared at the building.

"This is the coffee shop where we met Jonah exactly one year ago," I smiled. Lauren gasped lightly as she looked back to the building with new meaning. "Is is absolutely bonkers how fast things have changed. I love it." I pushed the stroller forward and made my way to the shop. Once we got inside, I smiled because nothing had changed. The entire shop was the same way it was when I met the guy who changed my life. If someone would have told me that my life would be what it is now, I would have pointed out their bluff. But now, I'm glad I spilled that hot coffee on the both of us.

"I have something to tell you," Lauren said, sounding nervous. She had a lock of her hair, twisting it around her finger. I raised an eyebrow as I picked up my cup to take a drink. "Zach and I are getting married?" She said in a questioning tone. I froze and let my eyes go wide.

"What?!" When did this happen?" I asked. Suddenly, my heart rate went through the roof and I was excited.

"We've been talking about it since Alyssa was born and we just decided to do it. We're both almost twenty years old, I think we can handle it. Plus, we've had Alyssa to help us with the decision. We love each other and we want to do what's best for her," she explained. I smiled and grabbed her hand as she looked down at the baby in her free arm.

"Have you told the other guys and your parents?" I asked.

"I told my parents before we left Florida and Zach is telling the boys as we speak. Why else would you think I needed to get you out of the house?" Lauren giggled. I let my mouth hang open. I knew it was weird when she randomly asked me to go for a drive with her.

"Lauren!" I squealed. Bella flinched in my arms and I made sure I hadn't woken her. "My best friend is getting married!"

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