Nobody Gotta Know

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I finally untangled myself from the sea of legs that included Daniel, Logan and somehow, Jack. Everyone was still passed out as I straightened my stiff body. They had all looked like had a rough night but even I could tell it was fun instead of rough.

Jumping over Zach and Lauren, I made my way to the bathroom to shower. I smelled like campfire and chlorine. The hot water burned my skin just the right amount as I squeezed the last excess water from my hair.

I glanced at the clock next to my bed, seeing it was only nine in the morning. I let out a small hum as I made my way to the closet to pick out an outfit for the day. Just as I was holding up a shirt, I jumped at the person standing in the doorway. "Do you always spy on girls half naked?" I asked. Jonah blushed and ran a hand through his sleep tangled hair.

"No. I was looking for you and this is where you happened to be. Not spying, but I am enjoying," he admitted with a smile. Jonah walked closer and toyed with the corner of the towel that stuck out of my hand. My heart skipped a beat when he pulled my face to meet his and  I stepped on the tip of my toes to kiss him back. This was wrong. I shouldn't be kissing anyone while I was stuck between to boys. But his kiss was electrifying!

I deepened the kiss, practically jumping on Jonah in the closet. He swiped his tongue across my bottom lip as if to get permission to go further. The towel was pulled from my chest, releasing a tiny gasp from Jonah and myself. I could instantly tell, I was blushing. He saw me naked! My heart sped up again as he pulled away for a quick minute, handing me back the towel. His breath brushed against my face, sweet and warm. I wanted to pull him in and kiss him again. Only better. "Do you know how bad this is going to be if anyone finds out?" He asked.

"I don't care," I mumbled, not opening my eyes.. As soon as his shirt came off, I could feel myself blush. He was perfect. His body was perfectly built as if he had spent so much time perfecting it. I wanted him now more than ever. Even if it meant losing someone else I cared about. Jonah carried me over to the bed, throwing the door closed in the process, and laid me down. As he climbed over me, I began to feel guilty. Daniel and the others were just downstairs and could wake up at any moment. This wasn't right.

In the middle of a kiss, I pushed away from Jonah and sat up. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked, brushing the hair from my bare shoulder. I took the towel and clutched it closer to me as I flinched from his touch. He thought he hurt me? I squeezed my eyes shut tighter as I spun around to see him.

"Jonah, you didn't hurt me," I assured, grabbing his hand. His eyebrows furrowed in high confusion. "It's just wrong. Everything with Daniel and you..." I trailed off. Jonah shook his head slightly and walked over to the closet. He picked up his shirt before turning to reach into the closet and grabbing one of my own.

"I really am sorry about this whole things. I have to get it sorted out at some point," I apologized. A shy smile appeared.

"Nobody's gotta know," he winked before walking out.

After I brushed my hair, I headed back down the stairs just to see the others beginning to wake up. Jonah had started coffee for everyone, Lauren was digging through the fridge and the others were stretching their limbs and rubbing sleep from their eyes. "Good morning sleepyheads!" I smiled. Jack groaned and threw his head back onto his pillow. Someone wasn't a morning person.

Lauren cooked breakfast, slowly teaching Zach and Corbyn how to make certain things. As the three of them finished breakfast, the rest of us sat around the long table. "What does everyone have planned today?" I asked.

"Lauren and I are going to my moms house to celebrate her birthday," Zach replied, shoveling food into his mouth.

"I am driving out to San Diego to see some old friends but I could stay," Jonah offered. I waved him away before he could say anymore. In the end, Daniel decided to stay with me.

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