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"You're happy," Lauren said as I cleaned up the table. I cocked an eyebrow and placed a dish in the washer. "Bryce never made you this happy, Maya. You laugh at the smallest things." That I did smile at. She was right this time.

"That's because all I ever did with Bryce was fight and cry. Daniel isn't like that. He cares and he listens to what I have to say. I just wish Jonah was okay with it," I sighed. I looked around the kitchen and thought back to minutes before. The boys had come over for dinner to celebrate the fact that Lauren had gotten accepted to UCLA. Jonah had missed out and decided to stay home but I couldn't help but think I was the reason he wanted to stay away.

"That's true. And don't worry about Jonah, Maya. He'll come out of his funk when he's ready," Lauren assured. I was still uneasy as we finished cleaning up the kitchen. Jonah was avoiding me for the entire week when I went over to drop some things off. He wouldn't even look in my direction. "We should go see a movie tonight. Take your mind off things." I shrugged. That wouldn't be a bad idea and Lauren and I barely had time for each other now that we were exploring the city with other people. At some point, I would have to try and find Kate.

The theater was half empty when we pulled up. A few people stood in line on the right side and I caught a glimpse of someone I knew in the corner. I quickly grabbed Lauren's hand and  squeezed it. "Lauren, there," I whispered. I dodged my eyes as soon as he turned to see me. Lauren caught the drift and pulled me into a room.

Nervously, I sat through the movie, looking around to make sure he hadn't come in the same room. But it was so hard to see in the dark. He could be anywhere. Feeling nauseous, I excused myself to the restroom, walking quickly from the theater room. As I opened the door, it stopped and forced bac in my direction. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"Maya? I thought that was you." I froze and slowly turned around. "You're here alone?"

"No. Lauren is in there. I just needed to- to- the bathroom," I stuttered. My heart fluttered as he gripped the girl next to him. I wasn't jealous, I was worried. Slowly, Bryce whispered something into the girls ear, sending her into the theater next to ours.

"It's nice to see you again. You probably don't care, but I rented a house in Beverly Hills. I'll be here until the end of Maya," he winked. The closer he moved towards me, the harder I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. Bryce brought a hand to my lips, brushing his thumb over them. "If I could kiss you one more time," he trailed off. I was frozen in place.

Before his lips could meet mine, I felt a hand yank my arm away. "You should really get a life other than stalking the girlfriend you used to berate, Bryce," Lauren sneered. A sick smile grew on Bryce's face. "Seriously, leave. Maya is better off without you in her life and I'm sure you have better things to do then terrorize her." Lauren tightened her grip on my arm when Bryce walked past.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked.

"Can we just go home? I don't understand why I can't ever go out in this city without something happening to me!" I exclaimed. The entire ride home, my hands slightly shaking. My entire body was. I was truly terrified that Bryce was never going to leave my life.

Once arrived home, I showered and crawled into bed. Tomorrow, I would try to go out again. Face the world with no issues.


Slowly, I crept down the stairs and listened for the voice to speak again. I knew the voice from anywhere. "Peter?" I asked, peeking around the corner. Peter turned his head and smiled as soon as he saw me. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Peter wrapped me in a tight hug and when he pulled away, I could see the bags forming under his eyes.

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