Just To See You Smile

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"How are you feeling today?"

"I'd feel better if you'd stop asking me," I snapped. With an eye roll, Jonah went back to reading his book. The house was as quiet as it had ever been. Daniel had gone home, Lauren was out with Zach and the others had things to do, leaving Jonah and I to ourselves. "You know, you don't have to be here. Go home."

"I'm not needed at home," he shrugged. "On second thought, I should go see my mom." I looked at him with certain eyes. I would be okay, alone.

"Jonah, trust me. I'll be okay. I promise," I replied. He waited for an awkward second before it dawned on me. "You need a ride."

"If it isn't a big deal, that would be nice," he blushed. With a smile, I slid off the bar stool and grabbed the keys.

"I wanted to go see if I can find my aunt and maybe shop around. I still need to explore the city," I shrugged. The car ride was painfully silent. "Are you okay? I mean, your lip and all."

"I've had worse, Maya. This was nothing," he replied. As soon as I pulled up to the house, Jonah reached over and grabbed my hand. "Thank you. Be careful out there and call me if anything happens."

I decided to take my chances and go back to the Walk of Fame and finish exploring since my last visit was cut short. Beginning where I left off, I shopped a little bit until my feet got tired from walking. The coffee shop where I met Daniel, sat in the middle of a sea of little buildings. I was immediately drawn to it.

Warm air hit me in the face as soon as I opened the door. The café was empty except for one person sitting with his back against me. For some reason, he seemed a bit familiar. After I ordered my coffee, I turned around and froze. Goosebumps rose on my skin as I met his eyes. His sick smile. My phone was suddenly burning a hole in my pocket as I left in a rush. I wasn't going to be able to out run him now. And I was alone.

Quickly, I dialed Jonah's number. "Hello?" He answered. In the background, there was light voices chatting. "Maya, is everything alright?"

"He's following me! I need your help and I parked all the way down the street and I don't know if I can get there fast enough!" I rambled. As soon as I looked back, I regretted it. He was gaining on me again.

"Where are you? I'm leaving the restaurant now. Stay calm."

"I don't know where I am," I panicked. I looked back one more time and saw him reaching for me. This is it. I was going down and nobody was here to stop it or help me. "He's-" I knew the body as soon as I hit it. It was like a brick; strong and tall.

I didn't worry about causing a scene with my crying. I latched onto Jonah's jacket, pulling myself onto him. He was all I wanted right now. "What's going on?" He asked as he gripped me in a tight hug. I hadn't even realized I had my legs were wrapped around him. I practically climbed him like a tree.

"He-He f-f-f followed me a-again," I stuttered. At this point, I had a tight grip around his neck, I was pretty sure I was choking him. Jonah's hands rubbed circles on my lower back as we stood there like two little kids. I didn't want to let go once he put me on the ground.

"It's okay. Let's get you home, Maya. I'll have Corbyn get your car when he finishes dinner," he assured. I didn't say a word as I wrapped my arms around his torso and walked with him in the other direction. I needed a break from the real world. I needed to be stress free and not have to worry about who I see in public. Now, I wanted to go home.

As soon as my back hit the couch, I felt my heart race slow down. "Maybe I should stop going out alone," I whispered. Jonah grabbed my hand, rubbing a thumb over it. "I'm serious Jonah. My life is a mess. I just broke a two year relationship, I keep getting stalked, all I've done sit i got here, is cry and stress. I'm a teenager! I shouldn't have to go through this! You don't have to go through this, do you?" I was facing him now, crisscross on the couch.

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