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"It sticks," I said as I looked out the window.

"Come again?" Lauren said, eyeing the expression on my face. I'm sure I was lit up light a Christmas tree. "I thought you liked the snow?"

"I do," I sighed. "But I wanted to go Christmas shopping today and if the snow sticks to the road, it'll be too icy." December was always my favorite month because I loved all thing Christmas. Decorating my own house, had been a huge goal for me since I was like ten and now, I got to do it.

"I can take you," Corbyn offered. "I have to go anyways and I know how to drive on slick roads." I pondered on it. I could do that. Instead of verbally agreeing, I shrug my shoulders and head upstairs to get into something more weather appropriate.

As I opened the door, I spotted Daniel coming out of the bathroom, nothing but a towel around his waist. I froze in the doorway. "Are you going to stand there and let everyone see me naked?" He asked. I couldn't help but stare at his body. I mean I'm used to seeing it, but it's just so perfect. And the water droplets that run down his torso make me- "Maya?"

I let out a nervous giggle and shut the door. Slowly, Daniel moves towards me, snaking his arm around my waist. "It's a little cold outside," he whispers. His body heat, is rolling off of him and I can do nothing but stand here and take it all in. My knees have buckled and the butterflies have started up again.

"Why don't you just warm me up then?" I asked with a sly smile. Daniel leaned down to meet my lips and before I could guess what was happening, I had my legs wrapped around his torso and his towel had vanished.

"I think I can do that and a little more," he whispered between kisses. "I love you princess but let me show you."

Corbyn pushed one of the baskets while I grabbed the other one. "Do you really need this much stuff?" He asked. I spun around and looked him in the eye.

"Do you know how big or house is? And I like to go a little crazy this time of year." Corbyn laughed and rested his hand on the basket. Something was bothering him. "What's going on?" I asked, putting a can of faux snow in the basket.

"Nothing. It's just Christina," he paused. He didn't wanna talk about it but at the moment, I didn't care. I urged for him to continue. "She's pregnant." My mouth dropped open.

"What? Corbyn, that's great! You're gonna be a-" I stopped when I saw his face fall. "It's not yours," I implied. I watched as Corbyn's eyes threatened to spill tears. Without thinking, I pulled Corbyn into a hug, my face pressed into his chest.

"We talked about splitting because we didn't have that connection anymore and then I found out she was seeing someone else. I got excited for nothing, Maya." When I pulled away from his tall body, he still had a few tears in his eyes. I had never seen him cry before and now that I have, I wish I hadn't.

Corbyn and I walked around the store a little bit more before deciding to call it quits for the day and go home. I had bought a sufficient amount of decorations and presents for this trip. Corbyn stayed silent as he drove home, but I could tell he was reeling on the inside.

Daniel has Alyssa in his arms when we arrived back home. If there was anyone she liked more than her own parents, it was him. "Is uncle Dani spoiling you?" I asked. I lifted her from his arms and kissed her cheek.

"I don't spoil her," Daniel defended. Jonah chortled.

"You let her sleep in your bed last night. With Maya. And she isn't even your kid!" Jonah exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh at the fact. Daniel had let Alyssa sleep in our bed last night because she wouldn't stop crying. According to him, it was, "The only way to get her to stop." But we all knew that was a lie.

"She's already your favorite," I giggled. "You could always let someone else have some of her." Daniel pretended to look offended. Zach swept away his daughter from my arms and lifted her to take a whiff of her bottom.

"This kid does nothing else but poop," he laughed as he headed upstairs. I turned to walk outside and noticed Jack looking a little grim as he sat on the outdoor couch.

"You okay?" I asked. He looked away from the city view and at my own face.

"We have been in and out of the studio trying to make something to present to a label. I know that's important. But, Maya," he started. Suddenly, he lifted the corner of his mouth. "I want to try dating again."

"That's great!" I said happily. But I noticed Jack wasn't smiling as much as I was. He sighed and ran a hand through his very curly hair. "But what?"

"I feel like I won't find anyone. You know how hard it is. A gay guy looking for someone," he chuckled.

I sat unresponsive while my brain went through multiple ways to help. "Oh I know!" I exclaimed. "Peter was telling me about this bar they have in downtown LA. We could go tomorrow since it's singles weekend," I suggested.

"But you're not single and we are all underage," he stated. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"I know. But we can get in, we just can't drink and you or Corbyn aren't single either. We could all go together. All six of us. Eight if the other two want to come," I shrugged. With a little hesitation, he finally agreed. I couldn't help feeling successful. We were going to find him someone. I just knew it.

Lauren and Zach had decided to stay in with Alyssa and let the rest of us enjoy ourselves. "Are you sure you don't wanna come?" I asked Lauren. She sat on the edge of my bed, holding a blanket over Alyssa head as she fed.

"I'm positive. I know Peter said he'd do babysit but I just can't leave her yet," Lauren replied. I sighed and turned back to the mirror on the door. "You look amazing, Maya. I'm kind of jealous."

I giggled at the compliment and admired my own look. Tonight, I decided on wearing a black bodysuit, complimented with white jeans and black strappy heels. I had Anna curl my hair earlier while Lauren insisted on doing my makeup. Nothing too over the top.

"Here. Wear this," Lauren instructed. She threw me a black lace kimono my way and I slipped it on. That looked better. Plus it was cold outside so it also doubled as a jacket.

I walked downstairs, careful not to slip on the marble stairs. Once I made it to the kitchen, I spotted Daniel talking to the others. He was wearing a blue jacket over a black shirt, light colored jeans that were ripped at the knee and white shoes to compliment the outfit. "Well goodness, Maya. You look hot!" Jack laughed. Daniel took my hand as I stepped off the last step and kissed my cheek.

Anna has chosen a black dress with white shoes. Nothing too major either although her and Jonah matched. He wore a black outfit and white shoes as well. "Everyone ready?" Corbyn asked through a clap.

Daniel and I took our own car while the other four took another. "Do you think Jack is going to actually find someone? Or that we can actually have fun tonight?" I looked over to meet his eyes. I saw the smile that had found its way to his perfect lips. Even in the night, I could see his blue eyes get bigger and brighter as they lit up with anticipation. Daniel reaches down and grabs my hand that had been lying on my thigh and lightly squeezes it. I squeeze his hand back and suddenly, the tingles run all through my body. I could feel the heat from his body that transferred over to my own. It felt like we were two live wires that had just been grounded.

I saw the smile on his face and I could tell, he was enjoying every moment with me tonight. What I didn't see, was the vehicle that was coming, was the vehicle that came crashing into the side of our vehicle.

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