I Depend On You

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Lauren was still asleep by eleven in the morning. Usually she was always up by nine. I knocked on her door lightly but didn't receive an answer. Rather than standing and worrying, I pushed the door open to the huge room. Her bed was pressed against the wall opposite of the balcony and the door to her bathroom stood a few feet from the bed.

I crept closer, careful not to wake her. Pulling the blankets back, I was stunned. The bed was cold and empty. "What the hell?" I wondered. My first thought was to check the garage to make sure both cars were still down there, but the keys had been laying on the kitchen table. "Lauren?" I called. No answer.

Speed-walking across the house, I checked every room that I knew of. She wasn't even outside on the grounds. I made my way back to the garage and looked outside of the door. There was still no sign of her. Sighing, I gave up and turned to go back into the house when I was knocked backwards. "Where the hell have you been?" I asked, dusting off my hands.

"I went for a run and got lost. It may be a gated community but it's still huge!" She exclaimed.

"You could have just went to the gym downstairs," I mumbled. Lauren followed me back into the house and stopped at the kitchen. "Go get dressed for the beach!" I shouted to her. Walking into my closet, I sighed. There were so many bathing suits that I could pick from. From white, to bright yellow, to deep purple. Pondering, a thought popped into my head. I grabbed the yellow suit and a pair of denims from the drawer and slid into them, adding a cover after.

"Are you ready?" Lauren shouted down the hall. I grabbed my sunglasses and cell phone before dodging out of my room. "I got the lotion and other things we might need while we're there. Can I drive this time?" She asked.

"As long as you promise not to kill me," I replied throwing the Sesto keys. "I mean it," I warned.

The beach was not as busy as I thought it would be when we arrived. Some people sat in the sand and enjoyed the sun, some enjoyed the water. "Should we test the water?" Lauren asked. With a hesitant nod, we walked towards the water. "Woah!" Lauren shrieked. The water was almost freezing but it felt nice compared to the blazing sun above us.

Suddenly, a smile broke out on my lips. I grabbed Lauren's hands and yanked her into the water. Both of us were laughing as my foot caught and we both went under the water. Gasping from the sudden temperature change, Lauren and I both burst out laughing. "I can not believe you!" She laughed and splashed the water in my direction. Instead of splashing back, I shoved her once again and started for the shore as she went under.

I was doubled over by the time I reached the beach towels we had lied out. Lauren finally emerged to the shore and tackled me. By the time I wrestled her off, we were both out of breath. "We should have came here a long time ago," I said panting. "Sorry I shoved you, by the way."

"Please," Lauren said rolling over. "I enjoyed it and we needed the laughs. I'm afraid your bruise might be a little worse tomorrow, though." I picked up my arm and inspected it. A brand new bruise was overlapping the previous one. With a shrug, I dropped the subject and sat up.

"We've only been here for two days and I already don't want to leave. Ever. There is so much here that we don't have in Florida and it makes me happy to know that, anything can happen here. Anything, Lauren. We could be successful here, if we tried," I rambled. Lauren smiled wide and then nodded in agreement.

"Then, while we are here, let's try to find a way to stay. Permanently." I stared at her in disbelief. That was an option I would never expected to hear from her. "I'm down for it if you are." I leaned back on the towel and closed my eyes against the sun. The warmth soaked up the water and started to burn my skin. A good burn.

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