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The plane had landed and Daniel and I had made our way to the hospital where Lauren was waiting. "Are you ready to be an aunt?" Daniel asked. I squeezed his hand as I pushed the button to the elevator.

"Are you ready to be an uncle?" I replied. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Daniel and I were faced with everyone in the family. The boys were sprawled out around the waiting room with their significant others, my dad, as well as Lauren's, were carrying on a conversation.

"Maya, Daniel. You guys made it just in time. I'll go let Zach and Lauren know you're here," Lauren's mom assured. After she disappeared behind a set of big doors, I took the liberty to move towards the other boys.

"You guys look like hell," I laughed. Jack rolled his eyes and leaned against his chair.

"I have never been more excited for something in my life," Jack said nervously. "Zach has wanted this his whole life, and finally he's getting it. And with the girl he loves the most."

Daniel sat on the chair arm next to me, gently twisting my hair in between this fingers. This was his way of passing time in a nerve wrecking situation and I wasn't the one to complain about it. Lauren's mom popped out from behind the double doors and smiled.

"Daniel, Maya. She wants to see you for a few minutes," she smiled. I gripped Daniel's hand as we walked through the doors and were led to a room. As soon as Daniel opened the door, I spotted at least four doctors, Lauren, Zach and her mother. Lauren was spread out on the bed, her legs laying to one side. Beads of perspiration broke out across her forehead.

"Maya, hey. Daniel, looking dapper as always," Lauren laughed. Daniel sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Zach stood next to Lauren's head, pursing his lips together. He looked like he was about to pass out.

"Zach," Daniel said as he stepped closer. He draped an arm around Zach's shoulders and squeezed. "You're about to be a dad. How does it feel?"

"It feels," Zach hesitated. "Honestly, it feels like I am going to fail." I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion. Standing, I grabbed the couples hands.

"You guys have to know that since you live with all of us, then we will all take care of you and the baby. We are in this together," I assured. "Zach, you won't fail because you have kick ass buddies to help you out. The boys and I are going back home tomorrow and you two are going to get on the road as soon as you get out of here. You'll be home in no time and then we can all just hang out and watch her grow into a beautiful baby. Okay?" I asked. Lauren gave a weak smile before her face fell.

Lauren squeezed her eyes shut before biting onto her lower lip. "Excuse me, but it's time for you two to leave the room," the nurse said. I gave Lauren a weak smile before Daniel and I headed out of the room. Lauren and Zach were about to bring a baby into the world.


We waited for three and a half hours for someone to come out of the room Lauren was in. But there was no show of anyone even thinking about coming out. At this moment in time, Lauren was giving birth to a girl who was going to be great.

"Do you think you two would ever have kids?" Corbyn asked. I snapped away from my thoughts and trained my eyes to meet his blue ones. I raised an eyebrow. "You and Daniel," he smiled.

"Woah, I think we should wait to at least get married first. I have my own ways of doing things," I explained. I had never even thought about the possibility about marrying Daniel. About becoming Mrs. Holmes. But we were still so young and we have so much to explore in our life.

I was happy for Lauren and Zach. They did things their own way and they are handling it the way they want to. Daniel and I, we had been through so much and we could probably handle it, but not until we were sure and ready for that life.

"Corbyn, I don't think we will be thinking about that anytime soon. Okay? Just give it awhile and ask again later when I'm sure Maya and I have an answer," Daniel replied. Corbyn shrugged and sat back against his chair.

Before Maya could shed some light on the somber mood, a whoosh of air was heard from the doors. "Guys?" Lauren's mom had peeked around the corner of the door, her hair hidden underneath a cap and a pink gown around her body. "Would you like to come meet your niece?" She asked. Suddenly I shot to my feet, squeezing Daniel's hand.

Lauren's hair was more of a mess than it had been before when we entered the room. Her face was written with exhaust and tears fell down her face. Zach looked relieved that it was over. And in Lauren's tiny arms, was a ball of pink joy. I felt my heart fall a bit as I took a step forward. Lauren and I had been waiting our entire lives for this exact moment and now, we got to share it together and with the people we loved.

"Everyone, this is Alyssa," Lauren whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. I peered over the sea of tears and looked at the baby. Gorgeous blue eyes stood out and a honey colored skin perfected her.

"Alyssa? What happened to Jen?" I asked. Lauren looked up from the little girl and smiled.

"Jen didn't really have that much significance to me. Alyssa was more important, seeing as how it is the first name of my best friend," Lauren winked. I felt my mouth dropped open. "Alyssa Maya O'Leary, meet Alyssa Dean Butler. The perfect combination of my two favorite people."

I let out a small sob as Daniel squeezed my shoulders and Lauren moved towards me. I couldn't believe she had actually named after me. It was totally unexpected, and I couldn't be happier. "What about your mother?" I asked  Lauren's mom waved her hand through the air and smiled at the sight of everyone.

"It doesn't matter," she laughed. "I have my granddaughter and my daughter and my other daughter that I have always thought of and- The point is, I have all of you and that is enough. Besides, I get the summers with her for two weeks."

Lauren placed Alyssa into my arms, and I have never felt whole. Not even when I met Daniel or any of the boys. This was a life I was willing to happily tackle.

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