Made For

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I stared at the wall for the longest time once my mother hung up. My whole world had just turned upside down and was shook. I had been lied to for the last eighteen years.

My mother wasn't even my mother. She adopted my sister and I when we were a few days old. According to my mother, before we even turned one, she passed away from physical issues. My mother didn't want to tell me because she knew that I would have a bad reaction to it for the rest of my life. It isn't easy losing a sister and even though I was too young to remember anything, I felt like I had knew Maddie all of my life. We were babies. We came into the world together but we are leaving separately.

"Learning that your life was supposed to be different than it was, is rough," I whispered. "It's like a piece of you just goes missing and is shoved into the trash." When I blinked, a tear fell.

"At least you know the truth now," Lauren assured. I looked up from the paper I held in my hands and to the others around me. Each of them sat with sympathy written on their faces. Especially Lauren. At some point during my story, she had shed a few tears along with me. "When I found out I was adopted, my world was shook. I didn't think I would ever go back to normal but I did. And take it from me, it will be okay."

"Oh shut up, Lauren," I snapped. I let go of Daniels hand, abruptly, and shot to my feet. "You have to make everything about you. You always have." Everyone was staring at me, wide- eyed. I'll admit, I had a temper and this was uncalled for. But I wasn't going to stop.

"Maya, you need to relax before you say something you regret," Zach cut in.

"Mind your business, Butler," I called. Zach's nostrils flared as he stepped forward. "Lauren, in Florida, you made everything about you. You were the star cheerleader, always more popular than me and even at my own house, you would talk about things that only pertained to you and you only. We would sit in my treehouse for hours on end and I hardly got the chance to talk about things going on in my life."

"That's where you're wrong," Lauren replied, throwing her hair behind her shoulders. "Who was there when your dad left again? Hmm? Or when your mother fell off the band wagon and used drugs? Or what about, when you used them? I think I was there when you were coming down from a high. How does that make me the snake?"

I couldn't move as I listened to her talk. Daniel looked back and forth between us, hurt lacing his eyes. Those were things I never talked about to anyone. Not even my own mother. We had been through a lot in the last five years and we both fell off the wagon a few times.

Behind me, Daniel moved to face me. "You used drugs? You told me that you never even thought about that - that you hated it. You lied to me?"

"I-I," I stuttered. I couldn't even speak. "Fuck you, Lauren." The tears came down harder as I began to panic. This was not happening. I wasn't getting thrown under the bus here. But I guess I was, because I left the room and made my way outside where I slumped down into the outdoor couch.

My ears tuned into what was going on inside the house and I didn't know how long I was outside. But finally, the glass door slid open and footsteps approached. I had fallen over onto my side, with my knees pulled to my chest when Jonah slid underneath me. Gently, he stroked my hair which only made me sob worse. "Did everyone leave?" I asked once I regained my breath.

"I offered to stay to make sure you were okay. Daniel wasn't too happy about that but nobody else was going to stay," he whispered. I sat up and laid my head down on his shoulder, sniffling in silence.

"Thank you." Jonah's blue eyes twinkled in the moonlight and I suddenly found myself yawning. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost two," he replied looking at his watch. "You guys got here around eight, we spent about two hours unpacking and then you took the three hours to figure your life changes." I hadn't even realized we got into town that late. Time was flying past quickly.

I felt the need to talk as Jonah put his arm around my shoulders and rubbed circles on my arm. "When I was sixteen, I tried this drug for the first time. It was at a party when I was dating Bryce. He-"

"Wait," Jonah cut. "You don't have to tell me, Lauren. That's your private life and I have no right to know that anymore." I lifted my head from his shoulder, locking my eyes with his.

"Shut up, Jonah. You have every right to know my private life. If I want to tell you, I will. You have helped me more than anyone else has. You're important to me."

"If I'm so important, then why are you with Daniel and not me?" Jonah replied. I felt my heart drop a little when he looked away from me. He moved away, sliding to the edge of the couch.

"That's not fair, Jonah and you know that. Have you been distant because I chose Daniel over you? Is that why you've been like that? I'm sorry that he was the better choice for me and I wish you would just accept that. Accept it and be my best friend," I pleaded. Jonah looked at me, but didn't turn his head. Slowly, he rose to his feet and grabbed my hand.

"You feel this?" Jonah asked, putting my hand over is heart and putting mine over his own. "How it's beating so fast?" That's because I'm here with you. I've never felt this way about anyone and I think you should realize your mistakes before it's too late." I blinked away the tears as I stared up at Jonah. His heart sped up and I felt mine do the same. It even skipped a little beat.

"Jonah, stop. I-"

"You what? You want to tell me that I can't feel your heart going insane? Maya, you're shaking in my arms." I hadn't realized that I was shaking as he held me and as his grip got a little tighter on my arm, I shook more. Thoughts of Bryce came flooding back instantly. Our first fight, looked just like this. Bryce left bruises on my arms that day and I would bet Jonah would too.

Jonah leaned down slowly, and pressed his lips to mine. It took me a second before I processed what happened and pushed him away. Hurt laced his eyes as soon as they met mine. "Fuck off," I shouted. I shoved Jonah away from me, ripping my arm from his grip. His hand print stuck around my wrist. "You had no right to even do that. You need to leave. Now," I warned.

Once I made sure Jonah was gone, I threw myself back onto the couch. How could my life began to shape up like this? Los Angeles has been nothing but drama and I was beginning to regret moving. I couldn't go back to Florida now and I wouldn't.

When your heart drops into your own hands, you can't just drop it. Pick it up, dust it off and put it right back in. And if your heart breaks slow, and gets cold, then that's what it was made for.

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