Our Endless Summer is Coming to an End

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*Four years later*

"This has been the most fun I've had since my daughter was born!" Zach closed. He waved us onto the stage and my heart jumped. I was used to the crowds and the screams but this was something different.

Lauren, Alyssa, Bella and I walked onto the stage and stood between the boys. Alyssa had jumped into Zach's arms and Bella followed along with Daniel. Lauren and I stood next to the two boys as they wrapped their arms around our shoulders. "I just want to take a moment and thank Maya for giving me the best gift of being this little girls father," Daniel said into the microphone.

The crowd cheered as Daniel kissed Bella's cheek as she giggled. All nine of us stood on the stage and said goodbye to the crowd of three hundred thousand people. "This has been the 'Believe Tour'-" Corbyn started.

"And we are 'Why Don't We'," they finished in unison. As the crown gave one last cheer, the boys took a bow. Summerfest was the biggest festival in the United States and the boys had been invited to close the festival out on their last show of the tour. The total amount of people had been around five hundred thousand but as the night began to close, it lost a few hundred thousand.

The 'Believe' tour was the third one the boys had been on and they had invited us to see the world with them. We traveled to Paris, Denmark and even to Singapore. Bella and Alyssa celebrated their third birthday in Milan, Italy and I was spending my twenty second tonight, in Wisconsin.

In the span of the last four years, the boys had released two books, launched their own clothing and fragrance line and currently, they were filming a documentary that was set to release on the day of Jonah's birthday. They had been on the cover of magazines multiple times, number one on the radio for the last three months, and not to mention the amount of awards they had been nominated for and collected.

In between the last two tours, Jack and Zach had been guest stars on a hit show and were even offered a position in their own show. They turned it down for fear of missing out on future tours and carried on with their music career.

Daniel and I married each other a year after breaking up (We just did it so he could be the legal parent to Bella) and the divorce had become final while we were in Hamburg, Germany. We moved into a bigger house before tour started and decided it would make things easier to all live together.

Zach and Lauren got married three years ago and they were happily pregnant once again. This time, they were blessed with a little boy who was going to be named Joshua. Jonah and Anna were on the road to getting married and Corbyn was still single. Jack was adopting a little boy on his own and finally had settled down with a guy from San Francisco. Everyone had their own little things going on.

As for Lauren and I, personally, we were both enrolled back into a part time college and physically attended when we could. I had taken up volunteering at the nursing home after my father passed away two years ago.

"Mommy?" I heard. When I snapped back to reality, Bella was reaching for me from Daniel's arms. Backstage, the boys had gathered their things and we were all ready to make our way home.

"Do you think you'll miss tour?" I asked as we made our way to the bus. Corbyn shrugged and smiled.

"We still have the other album coming out and I know we'll be doing a tour for that one too. But speaking of tour," Corbyn trailed off. I turned around and was face to face with Daniel.

"We still have the VIP hangout back at the hotel so you, Lauren and the girls only have three options. Come with us, fly home or stay in the hotel rooms," he stated. I furrowed my eyebrows at the offers. "It's only eight o'clock. You could still catch a plane home and we would see you tomorrow. Or you could go out and eat and then just hang at the rooms. We'll send security with you guys either way."

I looked over my shoulder for Lauren's suggestion and Alyssa patted her stomach. With a giggle, I tugged on Bella's shirt. "I guess we can get food and then just come back to the hotel. By the time we get back, it'll be the girls' bedtime," I decided.

Quickly, Daniel smiled and went to find Eben and Jon. Lauren and I picked up our bags and waited for him to return, laughing at Alyssa and Bella. Lauren had grown so much as a person in the last three years. But so have I. She had been focusing on Zach and raising her family while trying to be a supportive wife, while I was being the mother and supportive wife to Daniel. But as soon as we divorced, I turned my attention to getting my college degree.

"Okay," Zach said as he walked up. Daniel waved Bella over from across the room and picked her up. "There is a car waiting for you to take you wherever. I will see you three when I get done with the hangout."

Daniel and I had the relationship that was as open as possible. We married each other for Bella's sake, but also got divorced for our sake. We had fights here and there, but most of all, we remembered why we broke up in the first place. Daniel was still the same as he was before, just more focused on music and Bella. He had moved on with his life and so had I.

Bryce was no longer a problem. He moved to Brazil last year with his girlfriend and their kid. That horrible night, was the last time I had seen him in person. Kate passed away last month in Maui. Her cancer had taken her life before she was ready to go.

I had decided to keep the last name, 'Holmes,' in case Bella ever questioned it when she was a bit older. We had been introducing her to some memories of Peter and Gabriela, except we left out the part about them being her parents. To her, they were here aunt and uncle who moved before she was born.

One thing that was always in the back of my mind, was the fact that Daniel and I had a point in our marriage where we tried for a child of our own. I had made it to the two month mark before we found out she wasn't alive. She had passed away days before the ultrasound that crushed our lives and even though that was a way of life, I still blamed myself for losing her. I blamed myself for not being able to give Daniel his one chance.

"Do you think you and Daniel will ever rekindle what you used to have? Remember when you were eighteen and so in love!" Lauren laughed. We both watched as the girls climbed up the slide and took turns going down.

"I think we could. I mean the only reason we broke up, was because we thought that was for the best. But now look how much has changed," I replied as I took a bite of the food in front of me. "What about you and Zach? How has the pregnant life been treating you?"

"Oh," Lauren said rolling her eyes. She placed a hand over her small belly and chuckled. "Zach is more laid back then he was with Alyssa. I think it has something to do with the fact that he doesn't want to look like a wimp."

"Yeah, we'll that's Zach for you," I snorted with a giggle.

After we finished dinner, we made it back to the hotel and moved our way into the hotel room. Bella had passed out in the car along with Alyssa. As I laid Bella in her own bed, I couldn't help but watch her sleep. Her tan skin was perfect with her long brown hair. She was a beautiful child and I couldn't help but be proud that I was the one who gets to turn her into a wonderful person with Daniel's help.

It took a few hours for the boys to get back to the rooms but when they did, I was passed out. It wasn't until I felt the side of the bed shift that I noticed Daniel was back. "How was it?" I asked, sleep heavy on my voice.

"It was a pretty good time. Jack almost broke his ankle on the skateboard but other than that, it was great. How was dinner?" Daniel asked. I moved a little closer to him and took in the heat he radiated from his shirtless body.

"Oh you know, we had a five course meal at the famous McDonald's down the street. Nothing too big," I giggled. Before Daniel could answer, Bella stirred in her own bed across the room. Without saying another word, I felt her climb onto the bed and make her between us two.

"Will you ever get tired of this?" I asked Daniel. He put a hand over Bella, laced his fingers with mine and smiled.


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