Turn It Off

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There are some things are not meant to be shared in the personal life. If it's bad, then the reactions could be very awful. If it's good, then the reactions could be grand. This reaction, was awful.

Jonah and Logan had been gone for a total of ten minutes before the rest of us got worried. They had tore out of here so quickly, I thought they might leave skid marks. "We have to go after them!" I squealed. My voice was scratchy as I aimed for the door. Daniel snatched my hand and pulled me back. "Daniel, let go."

"No, Maya. Bryce deserves whatever is coming to him," he warned. "I don't want you driving on the streets while you're upset."

"Then come with me because I'm not staying here. They'll find him!" I urged. Daniel pursed his lips together before he turned around to face the others. Jack, shrugged his shoulders, Zach nodded and Corbyn raised an eyebrow. They wanted us to go.

"We'll all go," Lauren informed. "They boys have the big car, so we'll fit. You tell me where to go, and I'll drive." With Daniel holding my hand, the boys agreeing to go and Lauren steamed, I had no other choice. We had to stop Logan and Jonah from hurting Bryce.


I found myself stroking Daniel's hand as I gripped it in the back seat of the car. His hand was soft, strong and bigger than mine. It was nice to hold. As soon as Lauren turned the last corner, I was out of the car before she could cut the engine. I bounded up the stairs, and to the apartment that I remembered belonged to Bryce. Rough voices came from inside and I pushed the door open, gasping at the sight.

"Logan!" I shouted. Jonah stood in the corner, blood pouring from some place on his face and Logan had ahold of Bryce's collar. "Stop!" I shouted just as Logan's fist connected with Bryce's jaw. He was going to break it if he wasn't stopped.

Finally, Jonah stood up and aided Corbyn and Zach trying to pry Logan off. "Beating a girl, is one thing. Hitting someone I think of as a little sister, is worse," Logan advised. Bryce was almost as tall as Logan and Jonah both, only a little shorter. He could have easily taken on one of them alone but two at the same time? He didn't stand a chance.

Logan still gripped Bryce's shirt, lifting him a little off the ground, and there was no indication of him letting go. "Logan, please let him go," I cried. Daniel had stood in front of me, an arm wrapping around me. He didn't want me to get any closer. "For me." Finally Logan dropped Bryce's shirt, backing away. It was over. Jonah still had blood trickling from his nose, Logan was a little roughed up around the mouth and Bryce had received a torn shirt and a busted lip. Everyone was roughed up and it was all my fault. If I had never opened my mouth...

Bryce made a sudden movement towards me, causing Lauren to be shoved behind Jack in a protective stance. He put his hands up, to show he meant no harm, and walked a little closer. From the little space through Daniel and Corbyn's touching shoulders, I could see that Logan and Jonah both had been watching his every move with Zach ready to get in the way if needed. "Maya, I'm sorry. I know I've screwed up but could- could you have these guys move?" He asked. I waited a few seconds before I pushed in between the two boys, grabbing Daniel's hand and placing Corbyn's on my arm. If Bryce snapped again, I wanted to be pulled away as fast as I could. "That's better," he smiled.

"Apologize all you want to, Bryce. What you have been doing to me, I kept a secret for as long as I could," I said through hidden tears. A lump in my throat had formed and I attempted so hard to make it stay there. It didn't work. I let tears fall as they came. "For a year, a year, I let you control me, beat on me, berate me and do whatever. Last night, you did something I gave you no permission to do. You took advantage of me. While I was passed out." Daniel squeezed my hand and the others snapped their heads my way.

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