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"Earth to Maya!" Lauren sang. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled at her. She looked annoyed. "You didn't hear anything I just said. What's going on in there?" She asked, poking my forehead. I giggled.

"You know that dinner that Zach wanted us to go on? You and him. Me and someone else? Well I want to go. But I don't know who with. Daniel asked me the day of and Jonah got to me earlier. I could have easily told Daniel yes but I didn't know at that exact moment. What do I do know?" Lauren knitted her eyebrows together.

"I don't know what kind of triangle you have going on, but I'm glad I have my own man," she gushed. I glared at her, letting her know she wasn't helping. "I think you should go with Jonah. One, he's sweet. Two, he was the first guy you met out of all the boys. Three, he really likes you. Daniel likes you too. You can see it in his eyes. But he's too immature and Jonah is more serious and sophisticated."

"Lauren, Daniel isn't immature. He just has a great sense of humor. But you're right. Jonah has been there for me more than Daniel. There's just something pulling me in that direction. Why couldn't I have fallen for someone else? Ugh!" I groaned and threw myself back onto the bed.

The decision ran through my head as the day went on. I cooked dinner, took a shower, watched a movie and even planned outfits for the next week. Nothing took my mind off the stressful decision. Finally, I made a cup of coffee and sat on the couch on the deck. The view of the city, was the most amazing view I had ever have. The glass door slid open and Lauren sat down next to me, her own cup of coffee in her hands. "Do you want to move back to Florida? In all honesty?" She asked. Not looking over, she spoke again. "We could go to college here. I don't have to take over the business back home, it was just an offer. Maya, I didn't know that I was going to come here and especially fall for someone who is as great as Zach. This is what I want to do."

"Lauren, I think you're right. Even though this city has already put me through hell and back a few times, I have never been more thankful. Because of that, we have a great group of friends who would do anything for us and we haven't even known them for a month yet. My mother wont like it, but I want to stay," I sighed. The sun was going down slowly and there was a light breeze swirling around us. From the deck, you could almost see the Hollywood sign and the two of us watched the sun go down that night. Nothing was on my mind by the time we both crashed on the couch.


The next morning, I woke up with the slight feeling of the sun burning my face. Lauren was wrapped up in my legs at the other end of the couch and I could tell neither of us had slept great. I could only imagine what my hair looked like. Lauren didn't budge when I untangled myself and walked inside.

As I turned on the music from the kitchen stereo, I pulled my hair into a very messy bun and whistled along with the song, God Is A Woman. The smbell of bacon took over the house as soon as it hit the pan. I was feeling a big breakfast for the two of us today. Belting out a note, I heard a laugh from the near doorway. "What the hell are you doing here?" I giggled.

"At first, we were just coming to check on you since we didn't hear from you guys yesterday. It was like you went off the grid," Jonah laughed. When I looked over my shoulder, I saw the other boys outside on the deck. Logan had started a mini photoshoot with the boys in front of the pool and Daniel was walking along the edge with Jack. A perfect picture.

I picked up the last pieces of bacon and set them on the rack to dry. "You guys staying for breakfast?" I asked, nodding to the others. Nonchalantly, Jonah walked over to the stove.

"Depends. What are you making?" He smiled.

"Bacon, eggs, pancakes. I could throw in some sausage or anything else we have in the fridge."

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