These Girls

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As I pinned the decorations to ceiling, Emily twirled around the kitchen, dancing to the music that popped from the stereo. "Are you sure you're okay? I laughed.

"I'm fine, I'm just excited! Not only for the party but also to see the boys again. They really are great people!" She sang. Emily was all smiles since she woke up, knowing she was going to get to see Zach. I think she liked him already."You just want to see Zach," I accused.

"Do not!" She defended. A smile crept up on her face as she began to blush. "Okay, maybe a little bit. He's cute and funny. Is that a crime?" She questioned. "Besides, I see the way you are with Jonah. You like him too." I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I do not like anyone but Bryce. Jonah is just my friend that happens to be good looking. He might like me, but nothing will happen there." My heart skipped a beat when Emily cocked an eyebrow.

"Bryce is an ass who you shouldn't even been dating. I don't see what you see in him, Summer." I looked down at my hands, touching the old bruise. She had no idea what he was really like when no one else was around but she was right.

Changing the subject, I picked my hair and quickly tied it into a ponytail. "Do you want to help me bring the drinks from the cellar?" Emily's mouth dropped in surprise. "What?" I asked.

"You never even drank at high school parties. What's new?"

"I need something different, so why not?" I replied. Without another word, Emily and I made our way down to the cellar, stopping to find the keys. Peter specifically said not to touch any of it, but Peter isn't here. He wouldn't even know if we had someone restock it.

After we carried most of the hard and the easy liquor to the kitchen, we sat around the table and waited for the boys. It wasn't long before the intercom buzzed and Jonah spoke through it. When they stepped out of the elevator, I noticed the group was bigger. My heart skipped another beat. This time, it was a good one. "Hey Summer," Jonah said as he pulled me into a hug. "I have the other two I was telling you about the other day." Behind him, a boy with the curliest hair ever, smiled and introduced himself.

"I'm Jack. Sorry I couldn't meet you sooner. There were some family things I needed to take care of," he explained. He was shorter than the others and he seemed to have the second best style. Behind him, I smiled bigger than before. The bow with brown hair smiled back.

"This is Daniel," Jonah said. Daniel smiled and hugged me instead of shaking my hand. Puzzled. Jonah stared between the two of us.

"I met him the other day, actually. He helped me escape some creep who was following me," I blushed. Nodding in slight confusion, Jonah walked around the living room.

"You just have it all, don't you? Big house, nice cars, pretty face?" Jonah asked. The other boys sat down the food and came back, looking a bit lost. "How many bedrooms does this exactly have? Like eight?" I held up six fingers in response to his shocked face.

"It's my friends place who is letting us stay here. The only thingsh that are actually ours, are the noticeably different style of clothes in the closets." I could see Daniel behind Corbyn looking around the room, taking in the scenery. Today he wore a black shirt with lightly colored jeans and checkered vans and it was nice to see him in something that looked much cooler than what he had the other day. He was more attractive; if that was possible.

While the boys set up the food, Emily and I headed to change into something better. "How many people do you think he invited?" Emily asked.

"Honestly, no clue. These guys seem very popular and like they know people. If not, then it'll just be fun for whoever comes," I replied, holding a shirt to my body.

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