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The doorbell rang and my heart dropped. It was him. He was home.

I couldn't bring myself to open the door once my hand hovered over the knob. The doorbell rang again. Finally, the door swung open. My heart and my mouth smiled. The suit practically hung to his body with the great shape he was in. His brown eyes smiled down at mine, making it impossible to hold in the tears. "Maya?" I noticed his bags sat behind him, stuffed with clothes and I could tell he was going to be home for a long time.

I still couldn't speak as I jumped into his arms. This was the thing I had been waiting for, for a lifetime and the wait was finally over. Finally. He squeezed back, letting his muscles relax a little bit.

"Welcome home, Dad!"


I woke with a start that morning. Daniel lied, lifeless, next to me with little snores escaping his throat. Carefully, I swung my legs off the bed and stood up, yanking down his oversized t-shirt. They boys had been working for hours everyday with the music they struggled so hard to make and I figured Daniel could use the extra sleep.

Silently, I creeped down the stairs and attempted to make it to the kitchen. I didn't want to be seen but it was extremely difficult when the you had to go through the main room to get there. "Maya? What are you doing here?" I heard. Instantly, I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Jack sat on the couch, guitar in hand and a notepad next to him. He was writing more music.

"Daniel and I got in late last night from the game so he let me crash here," I explained, shy. Jack's hair was mussed to the max and he was only wearing black shorts. Did they always wear little clothing around here? "I hope I didn't disturb anything. I was just- just getting some water."

"Oh, you're fine. Does that mean Zach and Lauren are up there too? I could really use his help." Jack asked, following me into the kitchen.

"No, they went back to my house last night to get some privacy. With me there and you guys here, they couldn't ever be alone," I explained. After I poured the glass of water, I stared at the pitcher that sat before me. This was about as awkward as it could get. Neither of us said anything for the time being until we both opened our mouths to speak.

"You first," he offered.

"I don't know if Lauren has said anything about this yet, but we actually get to stay here. We get to move down here once the summer is over. Looks like you'll be stuck with us until forever, Jack," I laughed. Sarcastically, he rolled his eyes and poured himself a glass of water. He had totally dodge what he was going to say.

Just then, a loud yawn erupted from the stairs. "Good morning Maya. I slept great last night. How did you sleep?" Corbyn sung. Cautious, I raised my eyebrows.

"Good, I guess? Why are you so happy?" I asked, taking another drink. Corbyn smiled at me and then to Jack and then back at me.

"I'm flying to New York to see my girlfriend. And you mean to tell me you only slept good after you came home last night?" He wiggled his eyebrows again and I looked to Jack for help. I was missing something in the story. "You and Daniel didn't come home until late. You had to have been drunk and did it."

"We came home from a baseball game last night. We didn't do anything, Corbyn. I would never and neither would he. He wants to wait," I defended in a disgusted tone. Jonah and Logan appeared in the kitchen doorway some point during the conversation.

"Are we talking about Daniel being the almighty virgin?" Jonah laughed. "If so, that was a lie. Daniel is far  from a virgin." I threw my hands up in defense yet again. These boys were so mean to each other. But it was so amusing to listen to!

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