Air Of The Night

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"Happy Birthday!" I shouted as I bounced onto the bed. Zach groaned and rolled over to push me off the bed. Lauren climbed on top of him, lightly beating on his chest. "Come on, get up! It's your eighteenth birthday and it's the first one we get to celebrate with you." I groaned. Zach giggled and grabbed Lauren, rolling her underneath him.

"Okay!" I shouted as soon as they Zach kissed her. "I'm out of here!" I giggled. Downstairs, Daniel and the others sat around the living room. Later today, we were throwing Zach a party at our house. All of they boys families were being flown down to celebrate with us.

"What time will everyone get there tonight?" Jonah asked, not looking away from the game. I shrugged and sat down next to Daniel.

"My family is supposed to be here around four, Jack's family is supposed to be here by three and the rest of the families got here yesterday," Corbyn informed. If everyone's parents were already here and would be here soon, then that means Lauren and I should get home to decorate. We had stayed the night here for the last two days to make sure everything was okay with Jonah and Daniel.

As I stood up to gather Lauren and my belongings, Daniel followed suit. "You don't have to come," I assured. "Lauren and I can handle decorating everything."

"One, you don't have to decorate. We did it while you and Lauren went to the beach yesterday," Daniel replied.

"Then stay here and get ready?" Daniel opened his mouth to speak but closed it right after. "That's what I thought. We're going to go ahead and get ready," I said as I stepped on my toes to give a kiss.

The house was decorated beyond imagination when we walked in. Banners hung around the house with birthday messages, the cake was sitting on a visible shelf in the downstairs freezer, and food was sitting on hotplates and lined against the wall. Everything was perfect for tonight. "Maya?" Lauren asked as she pushed open my door. Her face was ridden with worry when I looked away from the vanity. She wore a long NASA t-shirt that made her tan skin stand out, stressed blue jean shorts and included her favorite white converse. "I have something to tell you."

I stood from the vanity and walked over to her, grabbing one of her hands. "Are you okay?" I asked. Lauren shrugged her shoulders while breaking out into a smile. That smile turned into tears as soon as she tried to talk. "Lauren? What's going on with you today?" I asked again as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Never mind," she pushed. "I'll tell you later tonight if that's okay. I don't want to tell you now and have you go crazy on me. Can you understand that?" Lauren asked. My eyes darted around her tear stained face. She was crying happy tears as she began to turn around.

"By the way, wear the light blue shirt with the white shorts and the black Vans. That would look good on you. Oh and go for a natural color makeup," she said informed. After she left, I stood there dumbstruck by the outfit she just put together. How could that woman have such a great fashion sense and I have nothing?

The boys except Zach were the first ones to arrive later that night and while we stood around and waited everyone's families arrived except for Zach and his own. "Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, it's wonderful to meet you," I introduced. Mrs. Holmes smiled as she shook my hand.

"Please, call us Jeff and Keri," she assured. Keri turned around and pointed to a group of people talking to Corbyn. "Those ones over there are Anna, Tyler and Christian." I smiled when Anna turned around and threw a wave at me. While Keri and Jeff talked amongst themselves, I met the other members of this giant family.

Zach had a little sister that was too adorable to even put into words, Jack had three sisters that I feel in love with right away because of their bright personalities. Corbyn had two younger siblings that were also too cute for words and Jonah had three siblings as well that I adored as soon as I met them. They were all this big family that seemed to get along better than anyone I've ever met.

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