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Both Lauren and I locked our eyes on the black car, discussing on whether or not to take it out for the day. "I think we should do it, but you drive," Lauren shrugged. The keys in my hand, felt heavier than the world at that moment, but it was our first day to go out and I wanted the confidence boost. This was definitely the car to help with that.

"Where are you thinking about heading first?" I asked, turning a corner. "Hello? Lauren?" Quickly, she snapped her head in my direction and tapped the bottom of her chin. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as she spotted something just ahead of us.

"That little shop?" I asked. "You didn't mention you wanted to get food but at the same time, you eat all the time. I'm not really that surprised." With a giggle, I pulled into the parking lot and cut the engine as a few people turned their heads in our direction. "Why are they staring?" Lauren wondered.

"Because we are driving one of the worlds rarest cars. Why wouldn't they stare?" I replied. The doors of the car opened, letting in the warmth and the light smell of food from the shop in front of us. Lauren pulled opened the door and the smell of bacon grease hit my nose. As I looked around, I noticed that there were only a few people scattered around the cafe.

"Check it out," Lauren whispered, elbowing me in the ribs. "He's cute," she was pointing to one of the corners. The boy sitting alone at the table, pulled out a book and began to move his eyes up and down the pages. He wasn't bad to look at with his brown hair and darker blue eyes complimented his darker skin tone. "Go talk to him," I said with a wink. Lauren rolled her eyes and turned to pick a table while I made my way to the counter.

My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket as I grabbed the coffee from the cashier's hands. Turning around sharply, I bumped into a body and the hot coffee spilled over my hands and to the floor. "Holy shit!" I hissed. The hot coffee seeped into my shirt, lightly burning my stomach and my belly button. Throwing my hair back, I met the eyes of the cute boy from the other table. His shirt was also drenched with the hot coffee I had just made a disaster with.

"Oh, God. I am so sorry. I had my phone and I wasn't paying attention and I ruined your shirt. Here," I rambled, pulling out my wallet. "I'll pay for a new one." The boy chuckled and put a hand out to stop me.

"Don't worry about it. It was an accident," he shrugged, his voice soft with the smallest bit of roughness. Biting my lower lip to keep from smiling back, I glanced around the shop to look for Lauren but she had disappeared.   

"It was a nice shirt," I implied. "Let me pay for another one so it would make me feel so much better for ruining this one!" I tried. Again the boy shook his head abruptly.

"It's not even my shirt!" He laughed. The boy took a napkin and wiped away the excess coffee from his arm. He tried to soak up some of the liquids from his shirt but it was no use. "Besides, it wasn't any of your fault. I was looking at the menu and stood too close."

The boy slowly made his way back to his table, grabbing his things. "Okay, well I'm not letting you go without another word," I said following him. "You can do something for since you won't let me pay."

"For a pretty girl, I would do anything," he winked. I felt myself blush but tried to ignore it.

"My friend and I just moved here for the summer and it's barely our second day. We don't have friends here obviously but maybe you do. At least, I hope you do. Maybe you can introduce us to some of your friends? We can all go to dinner or something if that's okay."

"I can do that," he answered. "Just give me your number and I'll make it happen." With a smile, I let him follow me out to the car and opened the door. He suddenly stopped.

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