Tell Me

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"Cheers, to four months as a big ass family in a big ass house!" Jonah laughed. Tonight, we were celebrating the boys being signed yesterday and the start of their music career. During the last four months, the rest of the boys had moved in, Lauren's belly was rapidly growing and everyone had their purposes for smiling.

Lauren and Zach had their little girl who would be here sometime soon, I had Daniel who was happiest when he was writing music, and we all had each other who made this big family. "Also," I said pushing my chair back. "Cheers, to the boys! You guys have worked so hard in the last four months to get this deal but now you have it! I don't think anyone could be more proud than me." After the talking died down a bit, Jack looked up from his hands.

"We were supposed to be finding a band name tonight too!" He exclaimed. Conversations began around the dinner table about any ideas that we could throw together.

"Wait," Lauren exclaimed. Slowly, she smiled and put her hand on her growing belly. "Why don't we."

"Why don't we what, love?" Zach asked, ushering her to continue the sentence. As soon as Lauren rolled her eyes with a scoff, I knew what she was talking about.

"Why Don't We!" She exclaimed again. This time, Jonah leaned back and smiled along with me.

"Lauren, you aren't making any sense," informed Daniel. I rolled my eyes and sat up from the chair.

"You guys are dull sometimes!" I laughed. "What Lauren means is, name the band Why Don't We! Sort of like, 'Why don't we make a band!"  Daniel leaned back into the chair and realized what we were talking about.

"You know what? That's not a bad idea! Why didn't you just say that, Lauren?" Lauren palmed her forehead before laughing.

After dinner, the boys had found the stash of alcohol in the cellar and decided it was a good idea to get drunk. 'To celebrate!' Corbyn begged when he came to ask. It wasn't long before Lauren and I were the only sober ones, sitting on the side of the pool while the boys clowned around. Daniel and Corbyn had started a game of chicken with Jack and Zach while Jonah kept score. Of what? Nobody knows.

Jack's fist accidentally collided with Zach's nose, sending him flying back into the water. Everyone got silent as Corbyn helped Zach return to the surface. For some reason, when the boys saw the blood flowing from Zach's nose, they laughed harder and once Zach caught his breath, he hadn't even realized it happened. "Zach?" Lauren asked, covering her worry.

"Yes?" Zach asked. In his eyes, you could see the drunk affect take it's toll. He didn't know that he was bleeding into the pool. You would've thought he would have got the hint since the other boys got out of the pool.

"Sweetie, you do know that you're like losing blood from your nose...Right?" Lauren let out a little laugh. Zach creased his forehead in confusion, before he reached up to touch his nose. When he finally saw the blood, he laughed harder.

"So that was why it hurt!" He giggled. "I thought I just inhaled water," he shrugged. I clutched my side and leaned against Jonah, trying to stop the laughter. He was oblivious to the accident that just happened.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Lauren said, pulling down her shirt.

"Yeah, I guess we better do that before I die of lost blood," Zach mumbled, walking crooked. The other boys and I kept laughing until we were wheezing and Zach and Lauren disappeared. Once I caught my breath, I stood and grabbed my things.

"Damn guys," Daniel laughed. He swallowed the last of the drink that was in his cup before walking over to me. The smell of the drink was strong and reeked of alcohol. "This is my fine piece of ass and I'm going to do her li-"

"Okay!" I interrupted, taking the cup out of his hand. Daniel had gotten the second most wasted out of all the boys tonight and the fun was now ever. "We are going to go to bed. You guys need to get there soon," I informed the others. I draped Daniel's arm around my shoulders and helped him to our room.

Once I got into my pajamas, I went back to the room to find Daniel drawing circles around his belly button on the floor. I stopped and laughed before I went over to him. "Wait," he whispered as I tugged on his shirt. "Are you Maya? She's my girlfriend."

I paused and looked him in the eye. "Yeah, I know her. Now take your shirt off."

"Well okay, but she might get mad," he shrugged. Once he shrugged out of his shirt, I handed him a dry pair of shorts. "Do you mind, Maya? I'm not wearing any underwear and I don't want you seeing the goods tonight." I paused and stared him in the eyes. Suddenly, his smile got wider and he gestured for me to turn around.

With a scoff, I spun myself around on the carpeted floor and looked at the wall. It took me minutes to realize that Daniel wasn't making a sound. "This is childish, Dan-" I cut myself off. A smile appeared on my face at the sight before me. Daniel was under the blankets, hand behind his head and he was fast asleep. That didn't take long.

As soon as I turned off the lights and climbed in next to him, he rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. "Good night, you weird lady," he whispered. Even when he has no idea who I am, Daniel still makes my heart melt.


The next morning, everyone but Daniel were up and ready for the day. "How's your nose?" I asked, patting Zach on the shoulder.

"My nose? What happened to it?" He asked, looking up from the table.

"Dude," Corbyn laughed. "Were you that drunk last night that you really don't remember Jack fighting you?"

"Jack and I fought?" Zach asked, beginning to freak out. 

"Relax. It was more of a one sided fight anyways," Corbyn sighed. "We were playing chicken and Jack happened to accidentally hit your nose. You were out of it, you didn't even realize it was bleeding." I laughed at the memory of last night.

"You and Daniel were too far gone. I got him in the room last night and he kept going from not knowing who I was to knowing. It like he was a different person," I giggled.

"I heard that," Daniel said coming down the stairs. "And I did know who you were. I just forgot for a minute. Dude what happened to your nose?" He asked, looking at Zach. I shook my head to hide my laugh and pulled out a box of cereal.

Lauren and I decided to leave the boys to discuss business things with Eben and their manager. According to Daniel, there was something important but they couldn't tell us just yet. "I miss coffee," Lauren said as she grabbed her cup. "I have literally been dragging my butt around the house trying to get things ready for little Jen. But then I always find myself sitting in the nursery."

I took my seat across from her and smiled. "That's what happens when you have a baby. I can tell you now, I'm going to spoiled her like crazy."

"I have four more months and I'm telling you Maya, I cannot wait to get her out. At night, I have to wake up Zach to help me get up because she jumps around and hurts me," Lauren giggled. As I got up to throw away my trash, my phone began to buzz in my pocket.

Hello? This is Maya," I said to the unknown number.

"Maya? This is Lili. I'm at the hospital and your mother is here....I- can you just catch the first plane down?"

I dropped my cell phone along with my heart.

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