chapter 1 : his secret

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Mark's pov :
*ring ring*

"Hello?" i answered in a sleepy tone.

"Wake up!! We're gonna be late on our first day of school!" said the person on the phone. Oh it's Mina and what did she say again? Omg she said we're gonna be late! I immediately got out of bed and quickly did my morning routine.

  It was already 7.15 am by the time I left my house.
  "Ya, why didn't you call me up earlier?" I asked Mina as we rush to our high school.

  Mina is my childhood friend since a very young age.  We were both at US when we first met. She's smart, pretty, kind and good at ballet, but she can be annoying at times.

  "Hey! I called you 10 times okay?" replied Mina. She was quickening her pace since she doesn't want to be late for the opening ceremony.

  "Come on! We have to hurry!" She said and dragged me to school.
  "Good morning students! Welcome back to school again after your long break! I hope you had an enjoyable time during the holidays, which also includes catching up with your family members..." the principal always gives long talks and it was really boring. I looked over at Mina, who was listening attentively to the principal. She's always so serious about school.

  Finally, it was time to get to our new classes.
  Everyone was surrounding the board to check their classes. Mina, who was struggling to find her name and class, tried jumping up and down while pushing her way through the crowd of students. The way she was trying so hard is so cute haha!

  "Hey hey, relax. You're in the same class as me, class 1-1." I said, as I pulled her to the corner. Luckily I was tall enough to see the board.

  "Gosh, you don't even study and yet you can score so high." She gave me a glare and walked to our new classroom.

  "Mark! Mina!" shouted someone from behind us.

  It was Nayeon and Jinyoung. They are our best friends since elementary school and we were together since then. Nayeon and Jinyoung have been dating for almost 3 years. It's awesome how they love each other so much.

  "Annyeong!" Mina walked over to Nayeon and gave her a hug. "How's your holidays?"

  "Great!! Here I bought some souvenirs from Japan for you guys!" replied Nayeon.

  "Wow thanks!" I said excitingly. I am always a fan of presents.

  "Let's get to class before all the seats are taken." said Jinyoung, as he dragged us to the classroom.
  The classroom was big and it made me feel like a small ant. The ceilings were high and the tables were all new. Wow time flies and we are already in high school!

  "Hey." someone tapped me on the shoulders and I turned around.

  "Ah S..Sana! Hello!" I greeted her as we took our seats. Yes, as you can see, I have a huge crush on Sana for quite a while but never really got the chance to confess. She's so cute and fluffy haha, and she's really nice too. None of my friends know that I have a crush on her, not even Mina. If only I could confess to her one day and we can be together...

author's note :

hi everyone! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of  a love is blooming! i am new to this and it is also my first time writing a fan fiction! i hope you can comment on how i can improve as a writer! also, please do let me know if there is any ships or stories you want me to write about. thankyou so much!

in addition, this is just a fan fiction so no hate please! the story here includes minark, jinyeon and many other.

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