chapter 11

149 11 3

Mina's POV :
Mina : Nayeon unnie!
Nayeon : yess minari?
Mina : I meeting up with Jimin tomorrow!
Nayeon : he asked you out?! is it a date?
Mina : what no! it's just a friend kind of date.
Nayeon : you sure know how to friend zone people like that. -.-
Mina : hey... you know who I like right...
Nayeon : yeah yeah, but you gotta forget him, I want you to enjoy yourself tomorrow!!
Mina : heh, thanks unnie 😽

chat with Jinyoung & Nayeon
Jinyoung : So I heard you're going on a date, Mina.
Mina : wow words do travel fast! and it's not a date!
Jinyoung : Yeah right. Don't forget we have cram school tomorrow!
Mina : oh shot! I totally forgot about that! omg thanks for the reminder Jinyoung!
Nayeon : totally forgot about it too... what now?
Mina : well, I'll just tell him to meet up another day?
Nayeon : NO! meet him tomorrow and just call him to pick you up at our cram school.
Mina : that wouldn't be nice...
Jinyoung : Just do it. It's the best choice.
Mina : okay then.. talk to you two later.

What's up with them? The two of them are acting so weird like they have a plan.. oh well, better go text Jimin.

Mina : hey Jimin!
Jimin : annyeong!
Mina : about tomorrow, I forgot that I have cram school until 12.30pm. do you still want to meet after or?
Jimin : Sure, I don't mind any timing! I'll pick you up after your cram school.
Mina : really? is it troublesome for you?
Jimin : Not at all Mina-ssi.
Mina : should I meet you at the station instead?
Jimin : I said it's okay! Be at the gate of your cram school before you know it!
Mina : alright then. thank you, see you tomorrow!
Jimin : See ya!

I unlocked the door to see my mother sitting on the coach.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome back dear! I don't have work today so we can have some Mother and daughter time before we meet Dad to go have dinner with the Tuans."

Oh yeah, the Tuans. "Sure, I'll go take a shower and be right down in a few minutes."

Just like I said, I ran upstairs to take a quick shower and slip on my favourite oversized tee with a penguin printed on it with my shorts.

"So, hows school?" Mum asked just as I stepped into the kitchen.

"Great, my speech moved the principal and he was so proud of me." I beamed at her. I'm always a fan of compliments, especially when they are from my parents or teachers.

"That's great honey. Here, I made your favourite eggs with ketchup!"

Did I mention I just love ketchup, adding on the eggs is a bonus.

"Thanks mum! So what did you do just now?"

"I went over to talk to Mama Tuan."

That's when I froze. She was definitely there to talk to her about Mark and me. "Oh..."

"I know what you are thinking. And yes, we were talking about the two of you. You know we always supported you to be with Mark but now he's with another girl, you're okay with it? I'm not too sure about that but the two of us are very disappointed that Mark never seen you that way." she sighed and sat beside me on the dining table.

"Mum... I know it's difficult to accept that Mark has a girlfriend but it's not entirely his fault. I was the one who told him to do it cause he always just see me as a sister, his best friend and nothing more."

She didn't speak any further on this since she knew I was upset. We then proceeded on to watch a movie and talk about stuff until it was time to change.

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