chapter 3 : it hurts

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Mina's POV:
I took my phone and decided to message Mark.

Mina: hey
Mark: Annyeong! What's up?
Mina: um.. I need to ask you something
Mark: What is it?
Mina: err.. do you know how to do question 12 for math?
*I couldn't do it*
Mark: WHAT?! There's homework?!
Mina: what.. were you even listening?
Mark: Heh, you know me. Please help me!
Mina: tsk fine.
^calls and helps him with homework.

Mark's POV:
"Thanks so much Minaaa~ See you tomorrow!" I end the call after saying goodbye. It was already 7.30pm by the time we ended our conversation.

I quickly went down for dinner and got back to finish my essay.

Phew, luckily I have Mina. I don't know what I'll do without her. I looked at my phone.. thinking if I should message Sana. I smiled at myself as I thought about our conversation during class this morning.

"How's your holidays?" I asked, taking a glance at her, making sure she doesn't notice.

"Great! How's yours?" She replied with a warm smile.

Our conversation continued until it was lunch time.
*end of flashback*

I smiled and hid my face under my pillow. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep thinking about Sana.
The next morning, I woke up at the sound of music.

"It's not even 6.00am!" I groaned and opened the curtains to my balcony. Then, I saw Mina doing her morning exercise.

"Good morning! You're always so early." I said as I watch her do her ballet practice.

"Of course! You should join me, sleepy head. HAHA" she laughed as she continued her stretching.

I laughed and joined her, doing stretching exercises at my balcony. We usually talk or do our homework together in the balcony. After a few more stretches, I felt like telling her about Sana. "Should I?" I thought for a moment but the words just slipped out.

Mina's POV:
"I like Sana."

I froze after hearing those words. H-he just told me he likes Sana, so it was true after all. After what took like an eternity, I managed to utter a word, "Really?".

"Yup, you'll support me right Mina? Do you think she likes me?" His face was all scrambled up together as he looks at me with his eyes shining.

"Maybe. I don't know but I'm sure she does! You're everyone's dream guy haha!" I exclaimed, forcing a smile so it wouldn't be obvious. "I'll go change now. See you later." I walked to the toilet and let it all out. I knew it, his crush is Sana. And the worse thing is that I have practice later, how am I going to react with Sana?
On the way to school, Mark told me so many things he found out about Sana and the things they talk about. I was half listening and half wishing we could change topic.

"Hey, do you think I should confess?" He asked.

"Hm, maybe after you get closer to her? Aniyo, take it slow." I replied, not wanting to speak any further. I didn't want him to confess yet so we could still spend time together.

We got into the classroom and Mark immediately told Jinyoung and Nayeon about it.

"What?!" The both of them exclaimed and looked at me. I looked away, hinting to them to not state the oblivious. "Wow bro, congrats I guess.. Are you going to confess?" said Jinyoung. Mark shrugged but he quickly went over to Sana when he saw her walking into our classroom.

"Oi Miiiiinnaaa!! What was that? Are you okay?" questioned Nayeon. I glanced at her and nodded my head. Jinyoung was upset that both his bestie and girlfriend were sad about this matter.

"Hey it's okay! Mina will find a better guy, not stating that Mark isn't a good guy but there will be someone better who will be there for Mina. Cheer up okay? It hurts to see you two upset over this. At least our Mark is happy." he whispered the last sentence, making it obvious that he was sad too. He always encouraged me to confess to Mark, but I didn't had the courage to do so. Now, the chance is gone.

Both of them looked at me and sighed. The professor came in and it was time for class.

As the last bell rang, we gathered to ride the bus to JYP entertainment.

"Mina! Can I sit with you?" Sana asked politely.

"Of course, why not?" I smiled and patted the seat beside me. Sana has been my friend since the time I went to Japan to visit my grandparents. She was the one who played with me and studied with me. Soon, she decided to move to Seoul to study and we met again.

"Hey Minari, erm I wanted to know what Mark likes. Hehe." She giggled and I looked at her.

"Why suddenly?" I asked, smiling at her.

"I-I like Mark you see, and you're his childhood friend so I thought of asking you about him. And you're my good friend so I trust you with my secret." She replied, blushing.

So their feelings are mutual. I took out a post stick from my file and wrote down something on it. After that, I pasted it on her forehead.


She gave me a shocked yet happy look. And she blushed even harder.

"Omo really?!" She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, I don't know. But I think you should confess hehe." I smirked. "I wish I was you, Sana" I thought. Maybe that way, Mark might like me. But being myself is the number one.

"Thank you Mi!! Omg thank you!" She hugged me and we changed topics.
"Eh, what was that?" Nayeon questioned me as we were walking home. She heard my conversation with Sana.

"Doing a good deed." I laughed.

"How about you?" She said, concerned.

"Good of course! I am doing a good deed. Don't worry okay? I'll forget him." I smiled at her and continued walking. She looked at me and shook her head. It was definitely going to be hard to forget him.
I went to my room and wondered what was Mark doing. I decided to message him. But before I even took out my phone from my pocket, it vibrated. It was from Mark.

Mark: Hello, what are you doing?
Mina: was about to message you.
Mark: I didn't see you just now, who did you walk home with?
Mina: Sana.
Mark: WHAT!? luckyyyy!!
Mina: I was kidding. Oh you know..
Mark: Tsk, I thought you really did. So what is it?
Mina: you should confess to Sana.
Mark: Woah why so sudden?
Mina: haha that's a secret. Anyway just try to do it soon. Feelings don't last long!! HAHA
Mark: That is not true! Then how do I confess?
Mina: that's up to you. byeee~ good luck markie hehe
Mark: Hey
Mark: Heyy
Mark: Heyyyyy
Mark: Tsk so mean

"Ah I feel like I have done a good deed." I said and lay done in bed. Taking a good nights sleep.

Maybe they'll be together by tomorrow..

author's note:
hellooo! chapter 3 of "a love is blooming" is finally out! I didn't have homework today so I managed to finish it in one day. I hope you guys like it! thankyou! :]

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