chapter 15

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Mina's POV:
"What in the world are you doing?!" My dearest mother screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw me doing the laundry. It wasn't because I was doing a bad job, it was because I have never ever did the laundry.

"Washing the clothes. Why?" I smiled and wiped the water off my cheek with the back of my hand.

"And why would you- More like washing Mark's jacket right? I know." My brother passed by the both of us and smirked. This boy- He's going to get it from me!

"What? Mark? He lent you his jacket?"

"Yeah.. We went out yesterday and I was cold so he lent me his."

"Mina, do you know Sana may misunderstand if you continue to be like this with him? I know he's your precious childhood friend and he's your first love but let me say this, he has a girlfriend. A girlfriend he loves wholeheartedly. If Sana were to see this, she'll probably would never be your friend because she loves him too. I don't want you to get your hopes up that's why I'm telling you this. If you don't wake up, you'll never be able to forget him and find a boy that loves you just the way you love him." I could feel a tear roll down my face as my mother squat down to hug me.

"My baby, it's okay. Forget him okay? And you won't have to suffer from this love anymore." She kissed my cheeks before asking me to clean up.

She was right. What am I going to do? What if I will never be able to forget him and continue to like him until we grow old. That might even mean that I won't get married! Sigh...
-incoming call from Nayeon-unnie-
Mina : helloo?
Nayeon : Minari, wanna hang out?
Mina : Sure, I've finish my homework anyway haha!
Nayeon : What.. always so fast. Anyway, Tzuyu will join us!
Mina : ahh okie ~
Nayeon : See you at Seoul Mall in 20 mins!
Mina : yup see you :)

  I quickly changed into the shirt that I designed for Nayeon unnie, Tzuyu and me. Yeah the three of us were like the "Troika alliance" —( if you learn history ) and shorts before grabbing my small bag with my purse and phone.

  In about 10 mins, I reached Seoul Mall. I decided to text the two of them that I have already reached and was going to go to Muji to buy my stationary since my pens were running out of ink due to the amount of assignments we have.

  As I was checking out the clothes at the clothes section of Muji. I saw the two people who I really didn't want to see. Mark and Sana.

  Damn my luck!

-in call with Nayeon unnie and Tzuyu-
Mina : um hello girls?
Tzuyu : yes mina unnie? I'm about to reach.
Nayeon : same here minari
Mina : no.. that's not the thing. the thing is, Mark and Sana are here!!
Tzuyu & Nayeon : WHAT?
Mina : yeah, can we meet at the bus stop instead?
Tzuyu : sure, I'll wait for you there since I'm about to alight.
Nayeon : i still have about 3 stops so you guys wait for me yeah.
Mina & Tzuyu : okay!
Mina : see you! Tzuyu I'm coming!
Tzuyu : hahaha yes!

  I managed to escape from the two of them. Using all my energy, I speed walked to the bus stop. Luckily I saw Tzuyu standing beside the mama shop.

  "Tzuyu ahh~ I missed you!" I screamed and hugged her.

  "Unnie! We see each other everyday except for some lessons okay? But I miss you too."

  "Nayeon unnie is always late HAHA!"

  "I know right? How about in the mean time, we get some bubble tea while waiting?"

  I nodded my head in agreement as we walked over to koi to get our bubble teas. And of course, we ordered one for Nayeon as well.

  "Mina! Tzuyu!" someone screamed from behind before running up to us and strangled us with her hugs.

  "Sana unnie, you're choking me!" Tzuyu laughed as she pulled away from the suffocating hug.

  "Hehe~ what are your guys doing here?" Sana giggled and held our hands.

  "Oh we decided to come out to shop for some new clothes and take a break from school." I smiled, a corner of my eyes turned to look at Mark who was standing behind us.

  "Hi Tzuyu. Mina you didn't tell me you're going to be here too!" Mark exclaimed as he put his hands on Sana's shoulders.

  I know I'm not suppose to feel this way, but a tiny bit of myself felt jealous. "Aiyo why must I tell you?"

  "True true. Anyway, just wanted to warn you two about the amount of twice fans there are inside the mall... So do watch out. Before they jump on you like how they jumped on my girlfriend."

  "Thanks for the warning. We should probably get going before Nayeon unnie kills us." Tzuyu replied, taking our bubble teas and pulling me away from the two of them.

  "You okay Mina unnie?"

  "Yup I'm fine. We should probably hurry to Nayeon."
  If not for the bubble tea, Nayeon unnie would really have killed us because we have left her there for quite a bit.

"So we met Mark hyung and Sana unnie on the way here." Tzuyu said as Nayeon choked on her bubble tea.

"What?! Are you okay Mina?"

"Aiyo I'm okay, why are you all asking me the same question every time their together? We will be seeing them more often now right? Since there are performances coming up and we are all in the same class."

"Well you've got a point but do remember we are always here to cheer you up!" And both Nayeon and Tzuyu gave me a side hug and we continued with our shopping.
It was lunch time and we decided to settle down at the Twice cafe, which was not a good idea. All our fans were surrounding us as we waited to be sited.

"Omg hi!! I'm a really huge fan of you guys, do you mind if we take a selfie?" A polite fan of ours asked and we nodded. Just as more fans came to ask for a selfie or a signature, the waiter took us to our sits before our free day turns to a fan meeting.

"So um unnies.. I have something to tell you guys. But I don't know if you guys will be okay about it." Tzuyu spoke nervously while fiddling with her hands.

"Why? What's up?" I asked as the waiter took our orders and left after that.

"I'm actually dating Yugyeom."

"WHAT?!" Both Nayeon unnie and I screamed but covered our mouths when we realise everyone was staring at us. "Since when?"

"About 2 weeks ago, he asked me out." Tzuyu blushed and covered her face from shyness.

"Aw, tell us everything! How he confessed and like omg all the details please."


After having lunch and listening to Tzuyu's love story. We went to shop for our needed or maybe more like wanted items.

"Mina-ya, haven't you gotten closer to Jimin?" Nayeon asked as we settled down at the nearest cafe to have a drink.

"Yeah I guess. Why?"

"Well, have you ever thought of liking him?" And at this point, I almost spit out the sip of hot choco I just drank.

"What, no!"

"And why not?"

"Because- because I don't know. I just don't see the same thing in him than in Mark. Maybe his not my type."

"Well, maybe you should forget about Mark and start thinking about someone else that would help you forget about him. Like you can even think of an idol. They can help get a person off your mind because you'll be too busy fangirling over him/her."

"Well that's easy to say unnie." I stared at her and then took another sip of hot choco.

"You'll never know if you don't try!" Nayeon smiled and proceeded on to change the topic.

Will it help if I try to like Jimin?

What do you think is Mina's plan?
Find out in the next chapter of "A love is blooming".

Author's note :
Hi all, I apologise for the super late update! But I really hope you will enjoy this chapter! :)

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