chapter 8

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Mina's POV :
  "And why are you late vice-president?" Jinyoung questioned once I stepped into the room. Everyone's eyes were on me and I could feel my legs shaking. No one, and I mean no one, messes with Jinyoung.

  "I am so sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone. This will never happen again." I apologised and bowed.

  Jinyoung excused me and I quickly took my seat before he could continue to nag at me. The meeting started off with how to improve the school and ended with my prepared announcement. It was 4pm by then.

  I packed my stuff and head off to meet Jimin.

  "Hey!" I waved as I walked over to Jimin. He was doing his homework really diligently.

  "Oh you're finally done! I waited for more than an hour."

  "Yeah, our meetings usually last longer but today was special since Jinyoung has to prepare for his 4th anniversary with Nayeon haha!" I replied. "Let's go to get some food and do our homework there.

  It was a short walk to the mall from school. Jimin basically listened to what I had to say until I decided to ask him what he wanted to eat.

  "Hm it's been a while since I ate rice cakes! Let's go get some!"

  I laugh at his excitement. "Rice cakes for afternoon snack? But sure haha!" We made our way to the shop and settle down.

  "So, what homework do you have today?" he asked, taking out his pile of work.

  "Well, I have my pure biology worksheet, E math, history project and my morning announcement to be done." I pout at him and he chuckled. "Then we shall start doing!"

-after 1 and a half hours-

  "Woah it's already 6.30pm! Have you finished your homework? I looked over at Jimin who was finishing his last question.

  "Done! Wow you finish your homework really fast! No wonder you're the top student." he smiled and closed his book.

  "It's normal, I have to finish homework quickly in order to revise and get started with other things you see. I have cram school on Saturdays and ballet plus dance class on Sundays. I also have to fulfil my duties as a Vice-President."

  "Seems super tough. Luckily I don't have to do all this cause I'm lazy!" I chuckled at his statement. Then I remembered that the Tuan family was coming today.

  "Omo, I just remembered I have something urgent to attend at home! I'm so sorry Jimin. I got to go." I immediately stuff my books into my bag and rushed off before Jimin could say a word. Now, I'm going to get killed by my mum!

  As I opened the door to my house, I knew everyone was here since their shoes were placed at the front of the shoe cabinet.

  "Myoui Mina! Where were you? It's already 6.55pm!" shouted an angry Mother standing right before my eyes.

  "I-I'm sorry mum! I was studying with Jimin and lost track of time!" then again, I apologised and bowed my head.

  She sighed and asked me to take a shower and prepare dinner. Doing what I was told, I rushed upstairs and into the bathroom to take a quick shower and slip on my oversized tee shirt with shorts and ran down to prepare the plates.

  "Hey girl, how have you been? asked Tammy, Mark's oldest sister.

  "Oh hey Tam, great! Just many things to handle." I smiled at her as I grabbed the table cloth the clean the table.

  "Need some help?" asked Grace from the other end who was picking up the cutlery. Grace was Mark's other sister. He also has a younger brother named Joey.

  "Hi Grace, that would be great. Thank you!"

  "Okay everyone, dinner time!" Tammy's children came running to the table with their dad chasing them behind.

  "Hello dear, although I've seen you a week ago, you look super tired! Everything okay?" Mrs Tuan, Mark's Mother, patted me on the shoulder.

  "Just right Aunty! There's a lot to do for the student council so it's been stressful but I can manage." I nodded and settled down on the chair opposite of Mark.

  "How's school Mark?" my dad questioned Mark as we all started to eat.

  "Great sir!" he gobbled down the fishball my mum gave him. Mr Tuan just shook his head. I glanced at Mark who was busy with his food and wondered how he had been with Sana.

  It's been quite a while since I spoke to him and was envious of Sana who could sit with him during lunch.

  "How's Sana?" I managed to cough out before it was too late. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and looked over at me, dumbfounded.

  "Sana? The girl who did 'shy shy shy' in Cheer up m/v?" Mr Tuan decided to speak. "Yeah dad." Mark then looked towards me and shoot me a death glare to make me shut up.

  What... he didn't tell his family about it? I felt butterflies in my stomach as I chewed my food.

  "So, what's with Sana bro?" Joey asked. Well, as you can see, the Tuan siblings know about my crush on Mark so they were always there to support me. I felt terrible for not telling them.

  "Nothing.. she's just asking cause I chat with her recently." he murmured back.

  "Spill it." Grace gave him a glare and so does Tammy.

  Mark sighed and surrendered. "Fine fine! I'm dating Sana okay? So much for keeping it." he shoot me another glare making my skin tingle. What's his problem?

  "WHAT?" both Mrs Tuan and my mum screamed at the same time. Mark raised his eyebrows at them and sighed. "Yeah. Is there a problem?"

  "Watch your language young man. Now you've got some explanation to tell us." Mr Tuan shook his head at his son. "What's there to explain dad? I'm dating Sana because I liked her for quite a while and she likes me too. Nothing wrong with that right?" he replied, feeling annoyed.

  The Tuan siblings each gave me a concerned expression but I chose to ignore it before Mark finds out. We finished dinner and decided to watch a movie.

  That's when the Tuan siblings made their way towards me and dragged me to my room. What's going to happen to me now?

author's note :
hey dears! I have finished chapter 8 of a love is blooming. I really hope you like this chapter although my story is a little draggy. Thankyou for supporting and reading my book! 😫💕

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