chapter 13

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Mina's POV :
  From the corner of my eyes, I could see Mark almost explode. Fortunately, Jinyoung and Nayeon were there to cool him down. He probably was just worried that I will get hurt or heartbroken by Jimin. But the funny thing was, he was the one that broke my heart and Jimin is just here to sew it back.

  Soon, we were on the train to our destination.

  "So, where are we going?" I decided to break the awkward silence with Jimin glancing at me from time to time.

  "Oh if I told you, would that still be a secret?" he joked as he looked over at the clouds. I wonder what he's thinking.

  "So, you still have feelings for that guy?"

  What did he just... I stood there, thinking hard on what to reply. I seriously don't know actually. Jimin's super nice to me but there's Mark who I still care for. And he somehow cares about me too. He stared into my eyes with the serious look.


  "Mina. Why? He has a girlfriend. He is happy, and so is his family. Worse of all, he hurt you."

  Wow, that stuck.

  "Well, he's not such a bad g-"

  "Mina! Open your eyes! He's hurting you every single day. He doesn't eat lunch with you anymore. He doesn't sit with you anymore. He forgot about you okay? His heart is with someone else and he never even cared about your feelings. From the start, he never did realise your feelings right? Why do you still care about him? Is he that important?"

  I gazed at him, unsure if I should be shocked, surprised or just upset and cry. But I smiled. I must have scared him because he looked taken aback.

  "I-I'm sorry Mina-ssi! I didn't mean to say that. I mean I just did not want you to get hurt. I'm so sorry." he apologised sincerely.

  "No no, don't worry! I understand what you mean. I just... I just can't forget him." I sighed and looked away.

  Before he could say anything, we arrived at our destination.

  "Sigh, let's go and have fun okay? I don't want us to be upset over something like this." he smiled as he pushed his hair back.

  I felt so bad. I mean Jimin was a great friend, he's always there to take care of me but all I've been thinking about is Mark. "How about I make it up to you? Let's have fun today and not think about anything else. Promise?" I stick out my pinky like a child and moved towards him.

  He laughed and did the same. "Alright, let's go have fun!" screaming, he grabbed my hand and pulled me along to wherever we were going.
  I stood frozen at the spot. Why? Why this place?

  Jimin was smiling from ear to ear, excited for whatever's going to happen. "D-do we have to do this?" I questioned nervously.

  He noticed my constant movement and asked, "What's wrong Mina-ssi? Are you afraid of heights?"

  You guessed it. He brought me to an amusement park. Terrible idea for a date.


  "Eh this is fun you know! I'll make sure you overcame this fear okay? You can hold my hand really tightly if it's too scary for you."

  What... I want to try something less scary... But this is the day I told Jimin I will have fun with him, I can't ruin this for him because of my fears.

  "Okay then." I looked down, hoping that the ride will not be as scary as I think. But the more I hear screams, the more I shivered. Jimin must have been to excited to notice since he was jumping up and down, waiting for our turn.

  "Next!" the assistant finally said.

  Shit. Shit shit shit!

  "Okay Minari, you can do this.". At this point, my legs couldn't even move. Jimin dragged me to the ride and that's when someone pulled me to a hard chest.

  "Hey, if she doesn't want to go, don't force her." I knew that voice. It was Mark.

  "What the...". Before Jimin could even finish his sentence, Mark carried me in a bridal style and jogged towards the ferris wheel, leaving Jimin dumbfounded.

  "Excuse me, please let me through." Mark apologised and as quickly as he could, he leaped into the cabin before it closed. All I could see was Jimin running behind us and shouting our names.

  "No need to thank me." Mark smirked and put me down in front him. Since when did he knew how to smirk? Was he always this handsome when he smirked? Did he... I let my thoughts run wild but snapped back to reality when I noticed he was staring at me.

  "How did you know I was here? And thank you." I smiled, still confused but grateful.

  "Of course I followed you here. If I didn't, you might have came home dead!" he exclaimed, showing dramatic hand movements along the way.

  I giggled, this guy can be dramatic at times.

  "Jimin just wanted me to have some fun and overcome my fe — so? He knew you were scared yet he forced you to ride that with him. What kind of gentleman is he?", he cut me off even before I could finish my sentence. Why is everyone interrupting my speech today? Mark looked away with a pissed off face.

  Aw he looked so cute- omg there I go again with my thoughts. I smiled at myself, happy that he still cared for me.

  "What chu smiling about?" he stared into my eyes, making me unable to reply back. He's eyes were mesmerising okay?

  "N-nothing..." I held back my blush, scared that he'll find out.

  After a minute of awkward silence, Mark decided to speak up. "Hey Mina, do you know what Sana likes? It's going to be our monthsary soon and I don't know what to give her." he scratched the back of his neck while covering his flushed cheeks. My heart dropped out of my chest, I knew I shouldn't have kept my hopes up, because the only person who was going through his head now was Sana and only Sana.

  "Um-" Before i could even say anything, the cabin doors open for us to leave. We stood up and walked out of the Ferris wheel.

  "I think you should get her a doggy necklace and a bouquet of flowers. Bring her to watch the fireworks. I'm sure she'll be happy." I took one glance and smiled. Because his eyes were sparkling.

author's note :
helloo everyone, I'm backk :) i apologise for the delay , there's so many tests going on since i started secondary three. but i hope you enjoy this chapter !! ❤️ at the same time, i want to thank y'all for the 300+ reads!! i really really appreciate it and hope you would continue to support me ;>

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