Chapter 20 : Her return

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Mark's POV
*5 years later*

"Mark dear! Come down for breakfast!" My mum shouted from the kitchen. I looked at my desk, remembering those days when I used to be a teenager. I just came back from my three years of NS service and it's already been 5 years since the last time I saw Mina. In real life that is. But the last time I called her was around 2 years ago and we were too busy to call each other again.

A lot happened within these 5 years though. I think the most shocking thing that happened was that I broke up with Sana. We dated for a year and a half and I started to realise that maybe I wasn't that into her after all. I remembered that I promised Jimin to never like Mina because he was my best friend and that was probably the thing that was holding me back from liking her. Liking Sana was just an excuse to forget her and yet I was so dense to not realise Mina's feelings.

Of course Sana was very sad after we broke up but we both understood why. She was a very sweet and caring girl and I'm glad we are still friends. She's now dating a man who loves her wholeheartedly and they are living happily ever after now.

My best friend, Jinyoung is preparing for his proposal to Nayeon in a few weeks time and of course Nayeon doesn't know about it.

Yugyeom and Tzuyu have been dating for 5 years now. Twice and Got7 have been making huge progress and we are now very successful.

I glance at the photo frame of Twice and Got7 with JYP. I hope when Mina comes back, we'll be able to take a photo like this again.

"Hey bro, sorry I couldn't pick you up yesterday. When you came back, you practically slept like a pig. Haha!" My sister, Tammy said as she slapped me on the shoulder. Her two daughters came running out to hug me. "Hey uncle Mark! We missed you!" How adorable these little kids are!

"Hey you guys, I missed you too!" as I picked them up and gave them a twirl.

"Now now, don't disturb your uncle. Let him eat his breakfast after a tiring three years." My sister's husband came in and pulled them away, shaking his head.

The two girls pouted as they left to play on their own.

"We'll be having dinner at Myoui's house today. Her brother is also back from his competition and they wanted to celebrate with us." my dad said once everyone was at the table. We were still close to the Myoui's and we would still have meals and outings together.

My mind started to wonder off to how Mina was. Maybe... I should drop her a text.

*that night*

We were all set and ready to leave for dinner. Everyone left at different timings though because the family was too big and we all took our time to get there since it was just next door.

I was the last to leave the house since I took an afternoon nap, too tired from all the trainings.

As I walked over to their house, I noticed something strange. The house was much quieter and in fact, it seemed like there was no one inside. I rang the bell and it was Grace who opened the door. Her face lit up when she saw my face.

"Mark, you are not going to believe this!" she exclaimed excitedly as she pulled me to the living room.

There I saw a beautiful elegant lady, blonde hair in a plain white tee shirt and jeans.

Mina has returned!

"Mina? Is that you?" I was too shock to speak. She dyed her hair and basically she was back. She's back after 5 years.

"Bonjour Mark." she grinned. Seems like she learnt French too. "How have you been?"

"I've been great." I smiled. The two of us just looked at each other until my mother coughed. "Mina wanted to give us all a surprise by coming back by herself without notifying anyone of us. She's become so independent and even more beautiful than she had ever been." My mother looked at her and smiled. She patted her head and hugged her. Mina was like a daughter to her and she probably missed her a lot as well.

"Aw thank you Mama Tuan! I missed you all as well. It's been so long."

"Okay that's enough guys! Let Mina rest, we should help Mama and Papa Myoui with dinner." Grace shooed them away, leaving Mina and I in the living room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I suggested and she nodded her head in agreement.

Silence fell as the movie started. I looked over at her. Her soft blonde hair rested nicely on her shoulders. She looked paler than usual and her lips... Wait. Stop Mark, that's enough.

"Are you okay Mark? Your face is all red." Mina asked as she extended her head to reach for my forehead.

"I'm fine! It's just a little hot here." I quickly said before she could touch me and make me feel even more nervous.

"Okay then. Well, how are you? It's been quite a while since we talked." Yeah it's been a long time. I didn't even have time to tell her I broke up with Sana. She probably thinks I'm still dating her.

"I'm doing great. I came back from my NS service yesterday and wow, that was three horrible years of my life." I ranted, making Mina laugh. Her smile was so beautiful.

"Hahaha, well I can see that! Look at you skinny bones. Tonight you shall eat more since my mum's cooking your favorite too." We both laughed at her new nickname for me. I looked at her once again. I wanted to tell her so much yet I didn't know where to start.

"Say Mina, I-" Just as I wanted to tell her about Sana, her phone started to vibrate.

It was Jimin who was calling her.

"Hey I'll pick this call for a while." she left, leaving me confused. Is she dating him? No way... But what if..? I was lost in my own thoughts when someone snapped me out of it. "Mark Tuan! Dinner is ready to be served!"


  During dinner, I sat on the opposite side of Mina, who was beaming at all the delicious food spread out on the table. She's cute when she does that.

  "Mina dear, it's been so long. How's life in France?" My mum asked as we started on dinner. We usually like to have small talks here and there during dinner since that's the time when we are all together, sitting peacefully without distractions.

  "It was wonderful in France. There were so many different things there that you can't see in Korea. It was really busy though, I had to juggle with my academics and ballet as well as my idol life since Twice gave me an opportunity to show my life in France. But overall, it was fun and amazing." Mina spoke, her eyes filled with sparkles. She must have really enjoyed her stay in France. "But of course, home is the best!"

  Just as I was about to take a bite out of my favorite food, Joey spoke up, asking the wrong question at the wrong time.

  "So Mina unnie, did you find someone you like over at France?" Joey wiggled his eyebrows as Mina started to laugh. I looked at her, hopefully to hear what I wanted to hear.

  "No Joey, I was too busy that I didn't even have the time to think of that! I'm still single pringle hahaha!" I was relieved! At least I still had a chance with her. Even if she didn't like me anymore, I was determined to win her back.

  I like Myoui Mina.

author's note :
Hey my fellow readers! It's another chapter again today :) hope you guys will enjoy hehe~
I'm hoping to finish this story soon since it's been like two years since I started on this story and it has yet to be finished.
Anyway, once again, thank you for the support and I hope you liked this chapter! Love you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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