Chapter 19

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Mina's POV
  I ran out of the house, heading towards the park where Jimin, Mark and I used to play at when we were young. Not knowing what to do next, I sat on the swings as I started to wonder what I was doing with my life. My heart was hurting yet I felt empty inside. 15 years. 15 years of unrequited love. Was love that important? Why did I care so much? Maybe if I didn't ran out like that, then we would probably still be friends. As I let my thoughts envelope me, a tall figure appeared next to me.

  "You okay?" Jimin asked as he sat on the swings next to me.


  We stayed silent for the next 15 minutes as I tried to figure my thoughts out.

  "You know Jimin?" I broke the silence, still looking up at the sky. "Yeah?"

  "I'm always thankful for you. I'm thankful that you would like a person like me. I'm thankful that you are here for me when I need someone. I'm thankful for everything. But I don't think I can return your feelings. Just like how you want me to find someone who loves me, I hope you find someone who will love you just as much as you love her. Now, I don't think I will be able to forget Mark. If we were to get together, all I will do is hurt you. I don't want to keep your hopes up, I want you to be happy, with someone you truly love." I looked at him as I continued my speech. "My teacher recently told us there's an opportunity to go to France to further our skills for ballet. And I could also continue my studies there as well. I was thinking maybe if I were to go there, I will be able to start a new life and when I come back, I will be happier and brighter. You know?"

  Jimin didn't know what to say. He just turned away and looked up at the sky. And I did the same.

  "You know Mina? 10 years ago, I thought maybe if I told Mark that I like you, he would back away and we'll be together. While he did but we didn't get together. It was 10 years ago and yet he still kept his promise, to not like you so that I can have you. I know you may be angry at me for telling him this but at that time, I really liked you and I didn't get why you chose Mark over me. But now I know why. Mark is a sweet and gentle guy. He is selfless and cares about others more than himself. Maybe in this life we can't be together, but I hope that in our next life, you'll give me a chance." Jimin smiled at me genuinely as he offered his hand to walk back together, for the last time of this year.

  "You'll forever be my best friend Jimin." I smiled as I took his hand. "Thank you for everything. Really."

  "No problem."


  After explaining to my parents about the overseas internship, they agreed to let me go. I hope I will be able to learn more and bring out the best of me when I come back.

  I started to pack my luggage for my new start. I have already informed my teacher and friends about it. Nayeon and Tzuyu will be here soon to help me pack as well as give me stuff so that I'll remember them.

  "Mina dear, Nayeon and Tzuyu are here!" my mum shouted from below. Nayeon and Tzuyu's heads popped out of my door and let themselves into my room.

  "Hey guys!" I exclaimed as I hugged them.

  "Do you really have to, Mina unnie?" Tzuyu murmured looking down. Nayeon looked sadly at me as she passed me the items. "Here are some snacks and stuff for you in case you need them. Oh and the twice members have also placed some stuff inside for you."

  "Thanks unnie. Don't worry okay? I'll be back soon, it's just a short trip." I smiled, tapping on their shoulders to cheer them up.

  "But twice will be incomplete without you." Tzuyu said sadly.

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