chapter 9

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*listen to 'Let me' by Got7*

Mina's POV :
As Joey logged the door, the Tuan siblings plop down beside me on the cold ceramic floor.

"So... what's with Mark and Sana?" asked Joey, earning an elbow in the stomach from Grace.

"He meant are you okay?" Tammy took over the conversation and put her hand on mine.

"Hey guys, I'm okay! Don't worry too much. Anyway, I was the one who told him to make the first move." I looked away as they each gave me shock faces.

"What? Are you kidding me?" Joey shook his head disapprovingly. "When did you know about this?"

"About four days ago. Mark told me he had a crush on Sana when I was doing my morning exercise one morning. At first, I didn't want him to confess just yet. But, the next afternoon I found out that Sana liked him too. So I decided that maybe it'll be better if they dated. Then I could forget him. However, I was wrong. It seriously hurt when she told me they're were dating." I blinked to hold back my tears from falling. It's been 15 years since I liked him but our relationship stays the same.

"Wow.. I'm so sorry Minari. I didn't thought it'll be like that. I wanted you as my Sister-in-law." Joey pouted and I laughed while patted his head.

"No wonder you seem so tired! Have you looked at your eyes, they're all puffy and look at those dark circles! Stupid brother for hurting you." Tammy sighed and caresses my cheek. It hurt but I know I'd be alright. "It's my fault for not telling him my feelings. Don't blame him."

"Come here." Grace pulled me in for a hug and the other two joined us. It took us a while before breaking apart. And also from squishing Joey.

Then I remembered about Jimin. The Tuan siblings know him too since we use to play together. I immediately took out my phone and messaged him.

Mina : hey Jimin, I am so sorry about rushing off and leaving you earlier! Are you okay?
Jimin : Mina-ssi! You texted, yup I'm okay.
Mina : that's good! I seriously need to apologise for my behaviour before. 😫
Jimin : Nono it's okay! Don't have to be so polite okay? We're best friends remember? 😁

I turned off my phone to see the three of them peeking at who I was talking to. I put my hands on my hips and raise my eyebrows.

"Who's that?" Grace spook first, giving me a look.

"Do you guys remember Jimin? The little boy who used to play with us?" I answered, trying my best to find a photo of Jimin.

"Oh that boy? The one who loved to hang out at the park?" Joey replied.

"Yeah. He's back in Korea and is currently studying in my school."

"He's back? Seems like a long time since we saw him. So you were out with him before you came back?" Tammy looked at me suspiciously. "Do you perhaps, like him?"

I was shock at her statement. I mean he is cute and handsome and smart of course but... there's just something that's not of my favour.

I must have said that out loud because I could hear the three of them sigh in relieve.


"What if you like him? I mean it's okay to like him but how about Markie? I know he's dating Sana right now but doesn't mean they'd last long, no offence. Maybe you will have a chance and you know him more than she does." said Tammy. She was right but I know that Mark likes her, a lot. With those eyes, when they look at each other. I'm just an outsider.

"But you know what. It's okay if you like someone else Minari. It's your choice and your life anyways. It's Mark's lost and not yours." Joey smiled warmly and hugged me tight. "We're here for you."

After an hour or so, our parents called us down to have a short talk before bed time.

"Have all of you finish your work? I don't want this to disrupt study time." my dad asked.

We all nod our heads, indicating that we are done with our homework.

"Alright, the first issue I'm gonna say is about Mark's relationship with Sana. May I ask how did this happen? I know I'm butting into your life but parents worry and we're all family so please speak.

Mark looked annoyed when the topic was brought up again. "Ugh... I liked Sana for a while now. It's been a year and a half since I liked her. One day, I decided to tell my secret crush to Mina and she encouraged me to confess to her. So I did." He lay his head on the table.

Mrs Tuan looked over at me and asked, "Minari, you are the one who told him to confess?" She sounded almost surprise. "Yeah. Well, he told about his feelings and then Sana told me about hers and so I encouraged him to confess." I nodded, making eye contact with Mark.

  My mum looked confused, opening her mouth and then shutting it again. Then, she finally said something, "How about your..." before she could finish her sentence, I quickly butt in. She was gonna expose me in front of my crush omg!

  "Urm, I'm sure Mark doesn't want to talk about this any further. And I wanted to tell you guys something as well!" I said, interrupting my mum's speech. They gave me a nod as I continued. "Er, well... I met Jimin today. He's going to our school now." thinking of an excuse was way harder than I thought. Luckily Jimin came into my mind before I knew it.

  "Ah~ Jimin... Who's that again?" my dad smiled but frowned after realising he had no idea who I was talking about.

  "The little boy we use to play with in the park." Grace then helped me as well.

  "Oh the cute one with blonde hair? He was so adorable! He must be a fine young man right now." Mrs Tuan chirped in. I nodded at her statement, earning a glare from my mother. What is up with her?

  "Okay okay, we shall end this conversation here. The kids must we tired from school. Tomorrow's friday, how about we all go out for dinner?" Mr Tuan gladly ended the conversation and stood up.

  "That would be nice. We will talk about the venue later." my dad was the next one leaving the table and opening the door for the Tuans'.

  "Goodbye and goodnight!" I waved as they left the house.

  "Black swan." someone whispered in my ear with his husky voice. I shivered at that and turned around to see Mark standing beside me. "Meet me at the balcony. I need to talk to you." after that, he walked out of my house, biding goodbye to my parents.
(If you're wondering where Mina's brother was, he is having a sleep over at his friend's place and we don't have to know that.)

  What's going to happen to me now? How many times have people been calling me like that today? Ugh, better go before I get nagged by my parents.

author's note :
annyeong! I have updated chapter 9 of "a love is blooming"! I really hope you like it, thankyou for your love and support! 😽💕 chapter 10 will be coming out soon.

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