chapter 7 : Cheer up!

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author's note :
hey y'all! I have actually edited a little on the first few chapters but it's okay if you don't read it. Just a little bit on the previous chapter, it was on Sana telling Mina about her relationship with Mark and Mina then broke down in front of Jimin. Hope you like this chapter and do give a vote! Thankyou so much! ❤️

Mina's POV :
I woke up with puffy eyes since I cried for so long yesterday. I looked in the mirror and sighed, I knew it would happen so why did I break down in front of Jimin? But deep down inside, it hurt, a lot.

I did my morning practice in my room so nobody could see my eyes. As usual, I also did my morning routine before going down to greet my family.

"Good morning my dear parents and brother! What's with all the groceries?" I jogged down and scooped up my breakfast.

"Well, the Tuan family is coming over for dinner tonight remember? So I got to prepare more food." my mum stated as she placed the groceries in the fridge.

"Morning lil'sis, what's wrong with your eyes?" my brother questioned.

"Didn't sleep well last night." I yawned as I ate my pancakes, looking away from my brother so he doesn't find out. "Oh okay.." he finally gave in so I could eat my breakfast peacefully.

"Well then, I'm off!" I pecked my mother on the cheek and hugged my dad before running towards the school bus. From today onwards, I shall take the bus instead of walking since I didn't want to see them together. Also, the principal wanted me to help Jinyoung with his morning duties in checking the attires of the students plus speaking in front of the school so I had to reach school earlier.

The trip to school was quiet since everyone was still half awake and I was really grateful for that since I had to sort out my feelings. I put on my earpiece and listened to "Be as one".
I was the first one to be in school since I left early this morning. So this was what it feels like to be first. I always came in second position every year since Jinyoung is unbeatable. He always scores the highest and is liked by every single teacher. Like seriously, everyone of them.

I walked to the committees room to place my stuff before making my way to my duty. Jinyoung arrived a minute later and we started chatting about yesterday.

"You okay Mina?" he asked concerned. He knew he shouldn't have asked when I looked down but I couldn't stay sad for long right?

I laughed and nodded making sure he laughed with me too after that. Soon, students walked in with a good morning or a hello. Some of them smiled while others were still half asleep. I couldn't help but smiled as the juniors walked in. These cute ones were just so adorable!

Just as I was about to close the gates, I saw two of them running towards me.

"Minaaaa wait!!" Mark shouted along with Sana.

"Hurry up you two! You're just in time. Run along or I'm gonna give you two detention!" I grinned as they both pouted.

I sighed as I see them ran off, holding hands, to class before the anthem and pledge taking started.

-during lunch break-

"Ya Mina unnie!" said Tzuyu who was currently sitting beside me.

"Yesss?" I looked at her, munching on my snack.

"Why are you eating so little? That's literally a snack bar and you only eat it after exercising or during snack time." she scolded as she snatched my snack bar away and placed an extra lunch box in front of me.

"What's this?" I opened to lid and inside was a healthy yet yummy looking bento which includes rice, sausages, egg and salad. There was also a word spelled out on the rice with my favourite ketchup! It says "Cheer up!"

I looked over at Tzuyu and saw her wink at me. Chaeyoung, Jeongyeon and Momo also sat down beside us and each of them passed me little things like a cute penguin keychain, my favourite book series and small pretty notes from them which says "Cheer up!" as well.

I gave them all a questioning look and that's when Nayeon came over with Jihyo and Dahyun. "I told them okay? I know you're gonna get mad but come on they're your best friends too and I didn't want you to be sad." Nayeon said sincerely. How could I get angry at all this?

"Thank you! I love you guys so much!" I hugged them and continue the scrumptious lunch Tzuyu prepared for me.
The last bell finally rang and everyone was excited to go home. I packed my stuff and hurried off to the committees room since we were having a meeting today.

On the way, I bumped into someone and fell. "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" the person asked as he offered his hands.

I kindly accepted it and thanked him. That's when I realised it was Jimin!

"Oh hey! Sorry I didn't see you there!" I apologised as rubbed the area of my butt that I fell on.

"It's my fault! I also wasn't looking at where I was going. Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Oh there's a meeting which reminds me, where have you been during lunch time? I didn't see you anywhere?"

"I went to see Mr Koo. He told me he wanted to know more about me and my grades so he could tell me where I stand. He said I am doing great so far and can be in the top 10s if I work hard enough." he smiled widely.

"That's good to hear! Omo I'm gonna be late, wanna catch up later?" I asked as I picked up my things.


I bid goodbye and quicken my pace. Jinyoung is gonna kill me!

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