chapter 14

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*go stream TWICE - FANCY!*

Mina's POV :
"Mina! Are you alright? And what the heck Mark? What are you doing here?" Jimin rushed towards us as we hoped down the cabin.

"I'm fi-Just wanted to make sure that you weren't doing anything to her duh." Mark shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pocket. At the same time, Jimin rolled his eyes and glared at Mark. But his face softened after seeing me.

"I'm sorry, I should not have brought you here. I knew you were scared of heights but I just wanted you to relax and forget everything." Jimin pouted and held my hand. And again, just when I wanted to forgive him, Mark walked between us and whispered something to Jimin before grabbing my hand and walking away, leaving Jimin dumbfounded.

"Hey. Hey Mark. Yeah Mark Tuan!" I shouted, though not wanting him to let go of my hand. His hands were big and it perfectly wrapped around my small ones. "What?"

  His sudden stop shocked me as I crashed into a hard chest. His hands quickly got hold of my waist to keep me from falling. I looked up at him and his eyes were looking down on me too. At this point I couldn't help but blush.

  "S-sorry!" I immediately let go and brushed myself to hide my now, super duper red cheeks.

"Are you okay? Why's your face so red?" Mark's hand reached for my forehead as I dodged from his touch. "What the- I'm fine! It's just kinda hot here." I interrupted and started walking away. If he were to keep doing this to me, it won't be so good for my heart.

But just as I could get a glimpse of him, I spotted an ice cream stall. "MARK!! LET'S GO THERE!!" I jumped up and without realising, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the stall.

"Calm down. You can never enough of ice cream can you?"

  I grinned at him as my eyes sparkled. And of course, he just rolled his eyes as he knew what that meant. "Okok I'll treat you." He huffed and I giggled, this is always gonna be funny when he gets annoyed.

  "One scoop of strawberry and one scoop of cookies and cream!" I said, smiling at the waiter who seemed our age.

  "And for you sir?" Her eyes were beaming at him.

"Um one chocolate for me." before she could say anything else, he payed for the ice creams and pulled me away to find a seat.
Soon the same waitress brought our ice creams to us and just after she placed the spoons on our table, she asked a question that shocked the both of us. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

I mean it doesn't look like I'm his girlfriend but at least give Mark some privacy.

"Yes, I do have a girlfriend." He replied, not even wanting to look up.

That's when she glared at me and asked again, "Is it her?" She said while pointing at me.

"No. Now would you please leave so that me and my friend can enjoy our ice cream? Thanks." He huffed and looked into the girl's eyes. Knowing he was going to blow up, she quickly got back to work.

"Looks like someone's angry. What's wrong?" I asked, taking small mouthfuls of ice cream.

"Nothing..." And I frowned. I'm his childhood friend and he would always tell me everything.

"Doesn't look like it. Is this about Sana?"

"How'd you know?" Great.

"I don't know. Your face shows it all. Duh."

"Well, she's with this guy called Minhyuk in her tuition and it bothers me whenever I see them together. Like she smiles at him and I don't know anymore. Maybe she likes him." Oh... so he's just jealous.

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