chapter 17 : The truth is out

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Mina's POV
"Kids, the food is ready! Come to the kitchen for dinner!" My mother called out to us. My father and brother were out on a meeting so it was just the four of us.

"Let me help you with that Aunty." Mark said politely as he took over the bowl of soup from my mum. Honestly these small gestures, even helping my mother, could have already killed me but I know there will be no progress in this sad love anyway.

  The dinner was peaceful and quiet until my mum decided to speak up.

  "So Mark, how's your relationship with Sana going?" She smiled sweetly at him although deep down inside I know she was doing this all for my sake. In order for me to forget, I must get use to him saying 'oh we're doing fine' or 'yes we've been...' sigh this is just too much for me to handle. At the corner of my eyes, I could see Mark's mother look at my mother like she was crazy. Since Mama Tuan knew I like Mark for a long time, she was always hoping that I would tell him how I felt but now's too late to even try. Especially when that girl is such a great girl.

  "Ah... we're doing great Mama Myoui! We went on a date today and saw Mina on the way!" He smiled back and looked at me so I could help him continue.

  "Uh yeah, we saw him when we were buying bubble tea." I managed to say before things start rumbling out of my mouth.

  "Oh I see. I'm glad the two of you get to go out and get some fresh air. Now just letting you guys know that we'll be having dinner together next Tuesday. Be sure to make it on time!" Mama Tuan winked at me as she turned her head towards her best friend.

  "Of course we'll be on time. But this time Mina won't be joining us since she'll be out with Jimin on the same day." My mum blurted out.

  Oh no. Oh no no no no. I wasn't planing on telling Mark who I was going with but look at what my mum has done.

  I could feel everyone's eyes on me. But I just couldn't see the face I wanted to see the most.

  "Haha yeah... He invited me to watch a ballet performance with me this afternoon so I can't just turn him down now since I've already agreed on going with him." I laughed awkwardly.

  "Ohh. For a moment I thought you guys were dating!" Mama Tuan laughed along with my mother.

  I turned over to take a glance at Mark and man... he didn't look very happy. It was probably because I kind of lied to him.

  After dinner, the two mothers decided to wash the dishes and let the both of us go have our own chit chat session. So we went out to the balcony to get some fresh air.

  "So that friend you were talking about was Jimin?" Mark asked, leaning against the railing.

  "Yeah. Well he had extra tickets and since I like ballet too, he invited me."

  "Stop lying to yourself Mina. He obviously likes you." Mark scoffs.

  Well he does. I stayed silent, I didn't know what to say or how to continue this conversation.

  "Mina- Yeah I know." I walked over to the railing. Part of me felt confident but another part of me felt nervous. One reason was because I needed his advice on how to reply Jimin's confession. And another reason would be to see how he would react.

"I know he likes me." I turned to face him. He looked kind of shock with my sudden response but quickly hid it with yet another question.

"Oh ... How?"

"Well ... If I tell you, you promise you won't tell anyone right?" I looked at him seriously, I wasn't saying this cause I want him to get jealous or anything but I didn't want anyone else to know because I wasn't ready. If everyone knows, they would all want me to accept him and if I don't, then everyone will start to pity him and make me feel bad.

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