chapter 6 : Jimin's true feelings

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*listen to lullaby by Got7*

Jimin's POV:
"Jimin!! Let's meet again here tomorrow evening, okay?" said Mina. ( six years ago )

"Okie, pinky promise?" I smiled and put out my pinky.

  She laughed and did the same. We crossed our pinky's and bid goodbye. I skipped home, thinking about all the fun we'll have tomorrow.

- next day -

  I was excited and reached our meeting place 10mins earlier but it was no biggie. So I decided to make a flower necklace for her while waiting. Time flies and it was soon evening time. "Where could she have been?" I wondered, I have already waited for 3 hours straight.

The sun started to set and I decided to go home.

Little did I know, she already left. Left to another city. Left me here, all alone.

  Despite being a young kid, I realised that I like like Mina. And that was the start of my love story.
*end of flashback*

But that didn't meant I have already forgot her. I studied hard and did my best in order to meet her again.
"Wake up dear! It's gonna be your first day of school!" My mother's voice ringing in my ears.

"Mhm.." I groaned as I got out of bed and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed into my school wear before going down for breakfast. ( and yes, I know what y'all are thinking, I don't shower early in the morning cause I'm lazy & I don't want to waste water )

"Good morning son. Ready for school?" my Father was already in his attire, reading a newspaper and having his everyday coffee.

"Sure am dad!" I smiled and took a seat, gobbling down my food. I was running late okay?

My father glanced at me and smiled while shaking his head. I'm sure he was wondering how his son has no table manners in the morning.

"I'll be off!" I grabbed my bag and flew to the door. I kissed my mum on the cheek and hugged my dad before I slam the door close. Today was going to be the day I find my girl!

- during lunch hour-

I am currently in a very uncomfortable situation where everyone is flooded around me, trying to ask me questions during lunch break. It was already the afternoon of the first day of school and I haven't found her yet. And just as my negativity was getting to me, a girl with short fringe and long hair squeezed through the crowd and shouted in her most gentle voice. "Everyone calm down! The new student must be feeling very uncomfortable when you guys crowd around him at once. Please do give him some space while you are welcoming him."

She turned around and gave me a polite smile. Then she stuck out her hand and greeted, "Hello, my name is Mina. I'm the Vice-President so feel free to ask me anything if you have doubts or queries."

I opened my eyes as I scanned through her gorgeous face. Is she...Myoui Mina? "Mina? Myoui Mina?" I asked excitedly. I can't believe it! I finally found her!

She looked at me with questioned eyes and suddenly they lit up. "Omo Jimin?" She looked at me up and down and held my hand which made my heart beat faster. How can she do that?

"The one and only!" I laughed giving her the smile she had seen years ago. "Wow I-" and that's when someone called for her. Now after so many years, we could finally meet again but someone had to interrupt our conversation. It was the president of the school, Park Jinyoung.

"Annyeong, I apologise for interrupting your conversation but the principal would like to speak with you about a school matter." Jinyoung bowed at me before speaking with Mina. No wonder he was the president, did you hear how he speaks?

"I understand. I'm so sorry Jimin! Let's catch up later okay? Meet me in front of the school gate and we can go get some ice cream." she looked at me and apologise before rushing off with Jinyoung to the principal's office.

How much more perfect can she be right?

-after school-

We settled down at Mina's favourite ice cream stalls and scanned through the menu to see what they have on offer today. Although the both of us aren't poor, we always like to check out things that were cheap yet yummy or worth it.

"So what would you-" before I could finish my sentence, Mina waved at someone. Ugh this was the second time! When can I have a peaceful reunion with her? I looked over to see two people walking over to us.

-fast forward to walking home-

I looked at Mina who was currently moving her hands non-stop. That's when I faced her and asked if she was okay. Suddenly, she cried, letting all her tears flow out. I hugged her, bringing her to the nearest playground to console her. I knew the reason why she was crying but it doesn't hurt to ask right?

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I asked, patting her head.

"I... I like Mark but now, he's dating my f-friend." she said between her sobs.

Never mind, forget what I said cause it hurts so badly. The girl I liked, no loved to most is still head over heels with the guy who stole her heart, making sure she never ever notices my feelings for her.

"There there, I'm here for you okay?"

I continued to comfort her and brought her home safely after. Thinking back, she never really did notice me anyways. She was always like, "Mark, stop it!" or "Hey Mark!"

I couldn't stop thinking about her until I reached home. What a long day.

author's note:
hey guys! it's yet another chapter! i hope you like it, though i kinda twist one of the parts. haha, but still i hope you'll enjoy it! exams are coming and i might not be updating soon but i hope you guys continue supporting! tysm! :-)

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