Chapter 18

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Mark's POV
  "... I will always like Mark!" *CRASH*

Wait what...?! Mina likes me?! How could this be?

I was dumbstruck upon hearing Mina's confession. After so long, I never noticed her feelings at all, and all these times, I was just keeping her hopes up.

  "Mark dear, everything okay up there?" Mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs. This snapped me back to reality as I started to clean up the mess I made.

  "Yeah Mum, everything's okay!"

I bent down to pick up the ceramic pieces carefully, part of me felt guilty for breaking Mina's cup and the other part of me was so distracted by whatever Mina said.

"Uh Mark, just-" Mina started to blurt out but unknowingly, I cut her off by saying, "It's okay, I'll pretend I did not hear anything."

At this point of time, I looked up to see Mina's tears slowly rolling down her cheeks as she ran out of the house. Oh man I screwed up big time.

I watched her run away, not knowing whether I should chase after her or let her cool down. But before I could make a decision, an angry Jimin stood in front of me, you could basically see how upset he was.

"Mark, why did you do that?" He asked calmly.

"Well I didn't know what to say. I didn't know she liked me and the more I didn't know that she had always had feelings for me. It was too sudden so I..." I stumbled with my words, I felt so useless and stupid to say that. Of course I hurt her feelings and she must be at her worst now.

"I don't care whether you knew or not. Just... Just don't go near her anymore. I don't really care if you are her childhood friend or her best friend, stay away from her. Let me be the one who stays by her side. Until she forgets about you and comes to me instead. After all you have Sana. She's just a friend to you anyways." Jimin said that sincerely and seriously. But somehow I felt weird. I felt a sense of anger and jealousy at the same time. I mean I am her best friend and I don't think I should stay away from her, but at this point of time, it's probably for the best.

"I hope you stop making her feel like there's a chance between you two because there's obviously no chance and she should move on... Move on from her 15 years of unrequited love." The moment he said that, I felt a peruse in my heart. She liked me for that long?! How could I not have realised. Jimin shot me another look and turn around to run after Mina, leaving me standing there like an idiot.

"Mark dear... why was Mina crying? Is everything okay?" My mum walked up the stairs and saw my broken ceramic cup.

"Oh dear! What happened here?"

"Mama, I think I broke Mina."


"What?! You guys knew that she liked me yet you didn't tell me? Why?" I asked with shocked and anger in my tone. How could they kept it from me for so long?

  "Well you see Mark, not every girl wants to let their crush know that they like them, especially from another person's mouth. I'm pretty sure she wanted you to like her without her saying that she likes you. So that the feelings are mutual and not caught because she told you she likes you." My mum looked at me seriously which made me felt guilty.

  "That girl, she's liked you for a very very long time. It was so obvious when she started to become a teenager. She would unknowingly look at you, find you in the crowd, get ways to just see you. But you were so dense. You didn't even know that she was acting differently. Your papa and I could tell she liked you a lot, very much. And she's one sweet girl who we loved dearly as well, and of course wished for you guys to be together. Until we found out you were already with someone else. She must have been devastated when she heard about it. However she tried her best to hide it and I'm pretty sure it was hard especially when the girl you are dating is her best friend."

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