chapter 10

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Mina's POV :
I skipped up to my room as fast as my legs could take me. My mum was about to say something but she couldn't because I was already on the way up to my room. I'll just listen to her tomorrow.

Locking the door of my room, I grab my jacket and phone before walking out to the balcony of my room. Mark wasn't there yet, probably getting ask about Sana. This is all my fault, I got him into trouble.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

Mina : "hello?"
Jimin : "Mina-ssi! It's me Jimin!"
Mina : "ah annyeong Jimin! what's up?"
Jimin : just wanted to tell you to have a good nights sleep." I could practically see him smile.
Mina : *giggle* "aw that's sweet! thank you and you too! oh I didn't manage to ask you this but how's your family?"
Jimin : "They are great! Remember that time when we were young and they were constantly fighting? They stopped and are really lovey-dovey now HAHA!"
Mina : "that's really good to hear! I'm happy for you!"
Jimin : "Thank you Mina-ssi! I better get going now. My mum's coming up to check on me soon. Good night my swan!"
Mina : "g-good night!"

My heart fluttered when he said 'my swan' in his low voice. Oh my gosh! My heart fluttered for him. I could feel my cheeks go red and that's when I heard a cough from behind me. Wait..

"Sorry to interrupt your lovey-dovey moment with Jimin but there are some matters I need to discuss with you." Mark said in his harsh tone. What the heck, I'm not lovey-dovey with Jimin! I like you, you idiot! How can you say that?

I rolled my eyes and asked him to continue.

"So about the thing with Sana.. I want to thank you.." my eyes opened wide when he thanked me.

"Thank me? I thought you were mad?"

"Yeah I was but my dad talked to me just now and he said he was happy for me. That I found someone that loved me the way I do. And he also told me to tell him earlier next time so he gets a heads up." he replied, smiling warmly at me.

I felt my heart shattering into pieces. My legs started to feel numb and my hands were sweaty. Mr Tuan supports his relationship with Sana. Well, I could have known. Mr Tuan and Mark have the same tastes. They like sweet and cute girls. It's normal for him to support Mark and he also didn't know about my crush on his son, did he?

"W-wow that's great! Good for you I guess." my voice started to shake as I choked out my words. Man, I'm going to have a terrible night.

"It's all thanks to you Mina! First, you were the one who encouraged me to confess. Next, you helped me tell my family! You're the best!" he laughed and gave me a fist bump.

"Hah.. you're most welcome! Well, I guess I have to go to bed soon. I have a morning talk tomorrow remember?" I said my good nights and went back to my room.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I wiped them away and fell right on my bed. "Good bye to my first love.. forever.." and I fell into a deep sleep.
Morning rise and it was friday, finally.

I did my usual morning routine and went down for breakfast.

"Good morning parents." I yawned and sat across my dad, who was eyeing on my beautifully cooked eggs.

"Good morning dear! How's your sleep?" mum asked while doing dad's eggs.

I passed my plate to dad, telling him to have it then turning back to mum who was looking at me. "Great mum. I had a nice sleep."

"After what happened?" This time, I was surprised dad was the one who asked. He knew I had a crush on Mark but decided to ignore it because it was my life. "I heard from Raymond that he agreed to their relationship.

That's when I gulped. How did he... oh never mind. "Yeah I'm fine dad. First love never goes well." I sighed and drank my glass of milk.

"Sure but I don't want you to lie to yourself. If you still love him, then you either tell him or forget about him and move on. I don't want my daughter to be upset over some guy who doesn't even love her."

My eyes could have popped out right now because my dad just gave me such an emotional talk. I went to hug him before starting my breakfast and on to school. The bus ride sure was long that day...
English was super boring because Mark and Sana were sitting behind me and they were being all lovey-dovey. The bell finally rang which brings me to math class.

I walked to my locker and replaced my english textbooks with math. Nayeon was there talking to Tzuyu.

"Hey girl." "Hey unnie!"

"Hello to you two. What's your next lesson?"

"Geography for me." Tzuyu sighed and looked away. "What's up?" I asked, looking concerned.

"It's Yugyeom. I don't know if he likes me. Should I confess?"

"Well one thing for sure is that, do it before another girl does and make sure he is the right one for you." I winked and we all chuckled.

"Yeah. Just do it Tzuyu! You can do it!" Nayeon gave her a little push and she made her way to him.

"So how are you and Mark?" now it's my turn to sigh.

"I guess his parents acknowledge his relationship with Sana so here I am suffering to forget him." I laughed and Nayeon hugged me.

"Hey, just remember I am here whenever you need me okay? Jinyoung is here too and so are the rest of Twice and Got7." I smiled at her words.

"Come on, let's get to math class before the bell rings."
School ended faster than I expected. Students were either meeting up for lunch since it was Friday or staying back for curriculum activities. I made my way towards the gate making sure I locked the student council's room before leaving.

Someone grabbed me by the wrist as I made my turn outside the gates.

"What the..." I turned around and there stood Jimin, beaming at me.

"Hey Mina-ssi! Sorry if I scared you but are you free on Saturday? We could go out to the mall or something..." I could see him fidgeting as he talked.

"Sure! I would love to!" my face softened and he released my hand.

"Then I'll pick you up at 11am?"

"Text me!" I made my way home after giving him a big smile, making him blush.

Feeling excited, I texted Nayeon about the so called "date" I have the next day.

author's note :
hello you amazing people! I have finished chapter 10 of "a love is blooming"! my emotions keep coming and I was inspired to write more. I'm so sorry for the delay! Once again, thank you for your kind support & I love you all! 😻

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