chapter 4 : the new kid

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*listen to yes or yes by Twice*

Mina's POV:
As I walked into class, there was a crowd surrounding the new boy. Since I was in the school committee, I found out that there was a new student joining us today but didn't manage to get his name. I begin to walk over to them and shouted, "Everyone calm down! The new student must be feeling very uncomfortable when you guys crowd around him at once. Please do give him some space while you are welcoming him."

  With that, the crowd scattered and returned to their seating arrangements. I smiled at the new boy but he seems to be checking me up and down. What's up with this kid?

"Hello there, my name is Mina. I am the Vice-President so please feel free to approach me if you have any questions or doubts." I smiled politely as I extended my hand.

    His eyes lit up at the sound of my name and that's when he exclaimed, "Mina? Myoui Mina?!"

  I was so confused but suddenly it hit me.


Mark's POV:
  This is my chance. I have to confess.

  "Sana!!" I called.

  "Hi Mark, what's up?" She walked over and we walked together to the garden. It was lunch time so everyone was either in the canteen or in class.

  My heart was beating so fast you could literally hear it from the other side of the world.

  Without any other thoughts interrupting my plan, I confessed.

  "I-I like you! Please be my girlfriend!"

  She looked shocked at first making me wonder if I should have confessed but her face softened as she held my hand.

  "Of course I loved to be your girlfriend! I-I like you too!" She replied, blushing hard.

  Did she just say yes? OMG SHE SAID YES! I hugged her, telling her to wait so that we can go home together and went back to the classroom to get my bag and see if Mina was there so I could tell her the good news.

  I ran to the classroom full of joy, ready to tell Mina what happened when I saw her. But she's with the new boy?

  I stopped my tracks and stared at them.

  "Hey Mina-ssi, wanna go home together? pouted the new boy.

  "Don't call me that!" Mina blushed and covered her face. "But let's go, want to get ice cream with me?" She asked and started walking.

  They chatted happily as I watched them go.

  "Bam bam bam bam" what's this feeling? How come my heart hurts? Maybe it's nothing. I shook my head and grabbed my bag.
  "Mark, can I call you Markie??" Sana asked and did an aegyo.

  I blushed and nodded.

  We walked to the mall together since she said she needed to get something. After we got what she needed, I brought her to her favourite ice cream shop since I had a voucher with me and I wanted to spend more time with her. But then, I saw Mina there along with Jimin.

  I was about to bring Sana to another shop when she pulled me to where they were sitting.

  "Hello! You guys are here too?" Sana greeted and smiled.

  Mina turned around and waved at us. She patted on the seat next to her, telling us to have a sit. I sat beside the new boy and Sana sat beside Mina.

  "So why are you guys here?" Mina asked. "Oh yeah, Jimin this is Mark, remember the cool boy we used to play with?", she said to him and looked over to me, giving me a smile. What..? We know this guy?

  "Of course! How could I forget this guy?" Jimin replied while giving me a bro hug.

  I looked at him closely and then remembered a small and cute boy Mina and I use to play with during our kindergarten days. Unfortunately, we moved even before saying goodbye.

   "Yo man! Woah how long has it been?" I asked, hugging back. He smiled at me before asking Mina what she wanted.

  We ordered our ice creams and sat there, devouring our delicious snack.

  "Minari, there's something I want to tell you!" Sana exclaimed excitedly and looked at me. I just smiled wondering what she was going to say and that's when the words came out of her mouth.

  "I'm dating Mark! We're together! Thank you so much for your advice yesterday!"

  I could see Mina tense for a while but then softened and smiled. "Congrats you two!"

  Jimin looked over at Mina and then to Sana, saying his congrats to us. Before what felt like 30 mins turned into an hour and we decided to get home to finish our homework.

  "I'll take Mina home. You two be careful!" Jimin smiled and turned to leave.

  I looked at Mina, wondering why she was so quiet. Sana tugged my sleeve and we were off to her house.

author's note :
helloooo again! chapter 4 is finally out! sorry for the long wait, I have been busy with my school work and studies so I didn't really have time to write but I hope you like it! :) thanks for the support!

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