chapter 5 : heartbreak

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*listen to dance the night away by Twice*
Mina's POV:
After school, Jimin brought me to my favourite ice cream stall to chill and hang out. We were chatting about the past years when I saw Mark and Sana holding hands walking into the stall. So i was right, they were going to be together sooner than i thought.

I waved at them as they made their way over to our table.

"Hello! What are you guys doing here?" I asked as they took a sit. They looked really happy together. This made my chest hurt a little.

Jimin coughed as I forgot to introduce him. "Guys, this is Jimin. Jimin remember the small and cute guy we use to play with?"

Mark looked at me and then to Jimin. He must be wondering what I was talking about and that's when Jimin gave him a bro hug.

"How could I forget this guy?" I smiled at the little reunion. After a moment of digesting what was happening, Mark finally smiled and hugged back. "Yo bro, woah how long has it been?"

We ordered our ice creams and chatted for a while. That's when Sana decided to bring up the topic.

"Minari, I need to tell you something!" She looked at Mark before confessing, "Mark and I are dating! We're together! Thank you for your advice yesterday!" She held Mark's hand a.

  I stopped breathing for a moment, making sure I heard it correctly and then congratulated them. I knew they were going to be together anyways.

  "Congrats!" Jimin nodded. He looked at me and smiled warmly. He looked cute when he did that.. WAIT WHAT? CUTE? Omg what's wrong with me? The person I like is Mark but what if..

Well I was lost in my thoughts, they started chatting about Jimin.

"Hey Jimin, where did you come from? Sorry I didn't hear your introduction earlier." questioned Sana.

"Haha it's fine. I'm actually from Korea, but I went to USA to study then came back." Rocky repeated his introduction.

I slowly ate my ice cream and listened to their conversation.
We got up after having our ice creams and decided to go home since we still had to finish our homework and there was school tomorrow.

"I'll bring Mina home so you guys go ahead. Be careful!" Jimin waved politely. I bid my goodbyes as well and went left with him while Mark and Sana went right since Sana lived at the opposite side.

"Hey.. are you okay? You were dazing quite a bit just now." Jimin asked, looking at me with a concerned face.

That's when all my tears started falling out of my eyes and down my cheeks. Jimin brought me to a small playground where no one else was there and comforted me.

"It's okay, I'm here. You can tell me what's wrong. I'll always be here for you." He hugged me and wiped away the tears from my cheeks.

"Are you sure you wanna know?"

He nodded and I told him everything.

"Oh so you like Mark. No wonder you looked so uncomfortable just now. Hey it's okay alright? I'm here for you. There's also your other friends! I'm sure there are other better boys that will come into you life. Not saying that Mark is bad or anything but there'll be one that will stay by your side okay? Don't be sad." He smiled and hugged me again.

  I hugged him back, it was a long time since I've had felt this warm in a hug.

  Suddenly, I snapped back into reality and pulled away from the hug. Gosh if you knew how red my face was. I managed to murmur a thank you before he walked me home.

  "Thanks for today Jimin! I'm really glad I meet you again. If you have anything you want to say, feel free to pour it out on me, okay? I'm here for you too." I thanked him and went into my house. It sure was a long day.

Jimin's POV:
{before he met Mina again}
  I'm finally back in Korea! How long has it been?

  I pulled my luggage out of the airport and took a cab home.
  "I'm home!!" I shouted as I walked into the house. At that same moment, someone rushed up to me and hugged me real tightly.

  "I missed you!" exclaimed my mum. She hugged me so tightly and then it was my father's turn.

"Welcome home, son! We missed you so much! Come sit down, we want to hear all about your trip." my dad suggested and walked with me to the living hall.

However, I was really thinking about something else. It was a really long time ago, when I was six to be exact.

I hope I meet her again..

author's note:
helloo everyone, sorry for the late and short update! i have been really busy with homework and family stuff but chapter 5 of "a love is blooming" is finally out! please do support and comment below. thankyou!

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