chapter 12

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author's note :
oh my gosh, I want to thank you all for the 100 + reads! this is my first book and I just want to thank you guys for taking your time to read these chapters. I will do my best to make it more interesting! I love y'all so much! 💜💜

Mina's POV :
  "Hey." Suddenly, someone tapped on my shoulder from in front of me.

  "Oh hey, didn't see you coming." I smiled at Mark who settled down at his balcony with his homework.

  "Yeah you're always so hardworking about school. So what homework do you have today."

  "Well, my teachers decided that since it was the first week of school, they let us off with just two worksheets to complete. But I still have my committee presentation to take care of." I sighed and slouch. "How about you?"

  "Hm I have chinese, e math, pure physics to complete." he then took out his favourite pen that I bought him when we were 10 and started with his homework.

  After about 15 minutes or so, I decided to break the silence. "So what do you want to talk about?"

  He stopped writing and stared into blank space. What's up huh? "Urm, actually I wanted to ask you if you and Jimin are a thing?" I could see his adam apple going up and down as he fidget around.

  "Huh no of course not, he's just my friend."

  "Oh okay..." he paused for a while before continuing. "Then do you like him?"

  I was thinking on what to answer and decided on this. "Nope." A short and simple answer.

  "Oh... last question on this topic, do you like anyone?" I knew this question was going to be brought up somehow so I'm all ready to answer that.

  "Yes, I like someone." I said this with a straight face, making sure I didn't show how anxious I am.

  He looked at me with wide eyes and spoke after snapping back to reality. "Wait really? You never told me about it before. Does anyone know?"

  "Nope." I lied to Mark. My first time lying to Mark, my best friend.

  "Okay then, who is it?"

  "Can't tell you."


  "Because I don't have one." and that's how I fell onto the floor laughing at his reaction. I wish you could have seen his face!

  "What the.. you meanie!" he slapped my shoulder and pouted.

  "Y-your face h-HAHAHA!"

  "Stop laughing you idiot. Come on, we have to finish homework."
  I am currently in a difficult position because Nayeon and Jinyoung keeps whispering to me about Jimin when Mark is right beside me. I didn't want him to know about my so called "date" with Jimin so I asked Jinyoung to distract him but he can't seem to understand why too. I just didn't want Mark to misunderstand.

  "Uh fine, but I can't keep promises." Jinyoung finally agreed and I thanked him. Nayeon was just there rolling her eyes, not sure why I am like this.

  Tuition ended with Mr Koo telling us about the eyes. It was super interesting and I enjoyed it a lot, though the three of them were really bored. Yeah Jinyoung was bored but he's the top student, can you believe it?

  We stood up to greet Mr Koo and started to leave the classroom.

  Jinyoung, who was distracting Mark, brought him to the vending machine to get a drink while Nayeon and I quickly made our way to the gate where Jimin was standing.

  "Hey!" I tapped on his shoulder making him jump.

  "You're finally done omg. I was so bored you know that?" his face softened and that's when Nayeon appeared.

  "Oh didn't see you there Nayeon. How are you?"

  "Hi! I'm great, thank you. Please take care of Mina!" Nayeon gave me a little push and I tripped, falling onto the arms of Jimin.

  He caught me just in time and hugged me, making sure I was steady. I could hear Nayeon giggling from behind and just as I wanted to glare at her, I saw Mark standing there with Jinyoung looking almost shock.


  "So what's going on here?" Mark walked closer to us and gave me a "seriously?" kind of look. I wanted to tell him that I'm not his girlfriend so why do you care but I like him, so I couldn't bring myself to do so.

"Oh hello Mark and Jinyoung! I didn't know you guys went to the same cram school with Mina. Well, I'm on a date with Mina so we better get going." he gave a little smile and pulled me along with him. You could practically see Mark's face turning red and he looks like he's about to punch someone in the face.

I hope he's okay...

Mark's POV :
"What the heck Jinyoung? Why did you bring me here?" I asked Jinyoung who had dragged me to the vending machine.

"Oh urm I wanted to get a drink and I thought you'd like one too haha." he replied nervously while taking two cans of green tea out of the machine.

"But I don't... ugh whatever. Thanks." I started to make my way towards the gate but Jinyoung had to stop me, again.

"Dude, what's wrong?"

"Ahaha good question. You see uh..." he scratched the back of his head while looking around to find an excuse. Since when did confident Jinyoung became so unconfident?

But before he could say anything, I escaped and walked to the gate with him running after me.

"Wait Mark! Hey! Dude please!"

That's when I saw it. I saw Jimin hug Mina. Or was it the opposite? Pretty sure it was the first one. I was so confused because Mina told me they weren't dating yesterday so why is he here hugging Mina now? I looked over at Jinyoung, who was catching his breath but when he saw the scene, he looked kinda shock as well. Gaining confidence, I walked over to them and asked, "So what's going on here?" Mina looked taken aback when I gave her the "seriously" look. I didn't mean to scare her but I just wanted to protect her as a best friend. Or maybe something more...

Jimin smirked and replied with a fake smile, "Oh hello there Mark and Jinyoung! Didn't know you went to the same cram school as Mina. Well, I'm on a date with Mina so we better get going." And that was it, his hands grabbed hers and they left. I could feel anger built up in me as i clenched my fists.

"Hey bro, you okay?" I heard Jinyoung say but all I could think about was the day Jimin came and Mina became more and more distant to me. Well, partly because I'm also dating someone.

1) "Mina-ssi!" and that's when Mina blushed hard, leaving me standing by the door.
2) I breathed in the cool air as I stepped into the balcony. The wind was blowing into our faces and when I mean our, it indicates Mina and I. Mina was on the phone so I decided to settle down first. Her face turned red after the other person on the line said, "my swam" and yes, I could hear them loud and clear. It was definitely Jimin.
3) I sat beside Mina, wondering if I could ask her anything about homework or maybe my relationship with Sana but Jimin had to be here as well. He came over and sat in between Mina and I. To make things worse, he intertwine his hands with her, making her flush again.
4) This time, he's right there hugging her. Who knows what he'll do next?!

Will Mark realise that Mina is the one for him?

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