Chapter Four: What's going on in Ohio?

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"WHAT THE FRICK MAN? We could have KILLED you there!" shouted Tyler at the shadow that  had just made Mark brake like a mad driver. 

From where she was sitting, in the back of the van, Lena couldn't see much of what was going on outside, but she heard the driver's window open, and a few voices going back and forth. Mark then turned around to her.

"The guy wants to talk to you," he said with an interrogative tone to his voice, probably still a bit shaken by the possibility of almost running over someone with his car. As Lena raised an eyebrow, he shrugged his shoulders. Just like her, he had no idea what was going on. He unbuckled, then got out of the car and Lena heard him breathe out noisily. 

She turned her eyes to Josh, searching for some kind of encouragement, but she could see that he was as clueless as she was. A bit anxious, she opened the car door. As she went around the van to join Mark and the guy - who was actually the big vendor from the truck stop - she heard a whisper, something like "Told ya she'd slow us down", and guessed it came from Tyler.

Lena didn't understand why he was so reluctant to have her with them, and it kind of hurt her, but she rapidly shook her head. She had other things in mind, and she needed to sort these out soon. She walked towards the vendor as he was still panting, fighting to find his breath. It seemed like he had ran all the way to the parking lot only to talk to her.

"Hey there little lady. Uhm... I'm sorry... for the trouble..." he breathed out, still slowly catching his breath. He looked as anxious as her, as he gave fearful looks behind his shoulders to the shop that was still open. "Listen, I'll be quick..." he continued, obviously trying to breathe through his nose while he was talking. His face was getting more red and sweaty by the second. 

"My boss, Andy... She knows your uncle," The guy whispered, still looking over his shoulder, probably checking out if Andy hadn't spotted his absence from his counter. "They've been married for a few months but that didn't go very well and now she's very suspicious everytime someone brings him up in a conversation..."

Lena couldn't believe her ears. No wonder that chick was acting like a bitch. Lena didn't know who exactly she thought she was, or what she could have wanted from her, but that girl basically lied to her face, and it was enough for her to never want to see her again. 

"I could be in trouble for this, but you looked so hopeless so I hope it will help somehow..." The guy went on, and Lena could have hugged him on the spot. She was so tired, she was overwhelmed by her own feelings, and the thought of someone she didn't know going out of his way to help her nearly brought tears to her eyes. She waited patiently for the next piece of information.

"I heard your uncle moved to Ohio. I don't remember the city but..."

"Someone said Ohio?" Josh interrupted. Lena hadn't even heard him got out of the car, let alone approach her as she was talking with the vendor, but she smiled at his sudden outcry for attention. "We're from Ohio!" he said with the biggest smile lighting up his face.

The vendor looked nervously at his watch, then back over his shoulder before finally gazing at Lena and Josh again, rushing his words.

"Ok good! So the city is called something like Columbia?"

"Columbus! That's our city!" replied Josh a bit too enthusiastically, making the vendor even more nervous than he already was.

"Great then! That's all I know, I hope you'll find him. I should go now, before she finds out!" The vendor said with a fearful look on his face. He then turned around and started running as quickly as he could despite his weight, panting already. 

"Thank you!" Lena shouted, but she wasn't sure he could still hear her. Still, she watched him run until he entered his shop. She couldn't believe what had happen. It seemed to her like the world was trying to get rid of all the hope in her body before blowing a wind of good news her way - just to see if she could handle the hard times before the sun rose again.

"Can we go now?" Tyler asked, obviously very impatient. He looked at Lena the way you look at a dog that just made a mistake, ate your shoes or peed behind the sofa, and as much as she wanted to maintain her eyes into his, Lena couldn't support it very long. She turned her gaze away, finding it preferable than replying to him in an agressive tone.

Without a word, Tyler got back to his seat in the car, slamming the door as Josh gently pushed Lena towards the back door.

"He's just tired you know, just... Don't pay attention to him okay?" Josh whispered to her. Lena could tell he was a bit annoyed with his friend's behaviour, but she didn't want to ask more about him. Not right now. She was still very tired, and above all, overwhelmed by the information she got from the vendor. 

Ohio wasn't even close to Newark. She would probably have to take an 8 hours or so bus ride very early the next morning, and she was more than ready to get some rest before the next leg of her trip. She wasn't even sure of anything. For all she knew, the guy could have just made up the story, or maybe he was leading her in a different direction than where she was supposed to go, on his boss's orders.

Lena sighed, getting back on the van. Then, as Mark was starting the engine, checking a thousand times in his rearview mirrors before moving on, she told herself that this was her last chance. She would take the trip and see what was going on in Ohio, but if the trail resulted in a dead end, she would stop her search. She would settle down somewhere, and try to figure out the best way to start over.


Hey guys, 

Thanks for reading. I'll be making this a habit, leaving you a little note after each chapter just to get your impressions. I really love the feedback you've given me so far (even though I have like, 4 readers haha).

What do you think of Tyler's behaviour toward Lena? Do you think he'll come around? Or do you think he's being to harsh? 

Let me know what you think! ♥

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