Chapter Fifteen: Cool Aunt feat. Mystery Boy

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"Lena? Lena, wake up."

Lena's body startled before she opened her eyes. When she did, she barely had the time to notice that black shadow she had quickly learned to recognize getting out of the van with a little jump. She knew it was Tyler, and the fact that she hadn't learn a single thing about that man, after almost a week on the road, caused a little pain in her chest. Or maybe it was just the sudden waking? Yeah, it was probably just that. 

Lena got up and stretched, careful not to bump her head on the ceiling of the van as she had done many times already, before picking up her backpack and following Tyler's trace. The boys were getting their suitcases and bags from the trailer, because they had all decided that, instead of driving  all night, they'd get a good night sleep in a cheap hotel. They had a day off the next day anyway, and they all agreed they would rather spend it in Atlanta than in Jacksonville. 

"I believe this is yours." Tyler said, handing Lena the pink suitcase. Their hands brushed, and Lena had to bite the inside of her cheeks to prevent the blushing. She couldn't keep doing that everytime his skin touched hers, for God's sake. It had happened randomly so many times during the week that she was mad at herself for not being used to it yet. If she wanted to know him, like she thought she did, why did she keep flinching when he got closer? That was stupid, and would only keep him at bay. 

"Oh really, I thought it was Mark's!" Josh teased, earning Mark's elbow in the stomach in return. Lena rolled her eyes. When accepting the offer, she didn't know she would actually be taking care of three kids acting like they were at summer camp. But she smiled nonetheless, especially when she realized Tyler's mouth was also crooked upwards. He had such a bright smile. Probably brighter than her future. 

"Let's go kids." Lena yelled, trying to gain their attention. Over the past few days, she had earn a title she didn't think she had in her. She was... motherly. She was wise, helping the boys go to bed at almost decent hours without being a pain in the ass. Trying to feed them healthy stuff but knowing they'd binge on junk food whenever they got the chance. She was, like Mark called her, the "cool aunt".

"C'mon Mark, be the dad, for once" she whispered to Mark's ear when the four of them reached the hotel reception. He groaned gently at her, then proceeded with the check-in. Lena was kind of impatient to finally sleep in a fresh bed. She couldn't complain: the boys always let her a spot in the back of the van, and she was always sleeping on the mattress. But it wasn't the most comfortable of mattresses, and the road bumps made her back hurt.

Stretching once more, she noticed Tyler had sat down in one of those leather benches in the lobby, and decided to join him. With all her grace, she slumped down next to him, unable to stop a yawn.

"Tired, lady?" Tyler said in his tired and raspy voice. Lena nodded in agreement, yawning again. She didn't think she was that tired, but her body seemed to disagree. Crossing her arms, she fought her own eyes, closing themselves under the heat of the big room. Without really thinking, she slowly inclined her head towards Tyler's shoulder, like she would have done if it were Josh or Mark. And she felt him flinch, but she didn't move. He'd have to cope with her, one way or another. She was so tired anyway. She just wanted to lay her head for a second. 

To her surprise, he did, too. After a flinch and a few seconds, he had already adapted, and his head was lightly laying on hers. For once, he didn't have his hood on, and Lena could feel his small hair tickling the top of her forehead. She was enjoying this. She didn't really know what made "this" so enjoyable, but it felt nice. Maybe because she thought it could lead her somewhere with Tyler. If she couldn't approach him with words at first, at least she could get closer to this wall he was hiding behind. Learn his strengths, his weaknesses. Find the right spot that would make him open up to her. 


"Mh?" She groaned. Did she just fall asleep on Tyler? She hoped not and raised her head to look at him. He was smiling slightly. Almost grinning. 

"Maybe you'll be more comfortable upstairs?" he asked, keeping the smile and nodding towards Mark and Josh who were already heading to the elevators, keys in hands. Tyler stood up and grabbed Lena's suitcase before grabbing his own.

"Tyler, you don't have to..." Lena mumbled, but mystery-boy was already walking away. She had no other choice but to follow suit. When they all got to the sixth floor, Mark handed Tyler one of the electronic key cards he had in his hands, then rushed away with Josh. Lena automatically furrowed her eyebrows. Mark was never up to no good... Tyler's gaze crossed hers, and they both shrugged before following them in the silent hallway.

"Room 602. This is ours, honey" Mark said, fluttering his eyelashes towards Josh who chuckled like a kid and hit him on the shoulder. "Ouch" Mark protested, entering the card in the slot. Lena reached them right when Mark opened the door, only now realizing that Tyler had stopped a few steps before. He was facing the previous door, an odd look on his face. He was holding the card Mark had given him, and in the blink of an eye, Lena understood. 

She shifted her head to face Mark. He was grinning from ear to ear, hiding his body behind the heavy wooden door. Did he really do what Lena thought he did? Was he really thinking that she would share a room with only Tyler? Well... She would. But Tyler, she wasn't so sure. She was about to protest when Mark spoke again.

"And you haven't seen the bed yet! Good night, cool aunt!" And with that, he closed the door. Lena stayed there for a few seconds, unsure if she would dare to turn around and face Tyler. Much to her surprise, when she finally moved, he was already entering their room, mute. Lena sighed, and followed. She was trying to keep her cool. It was nothing, after all, right? Just a hotel bedroom. Two beds. They would just sleep. Maybe talk a little bit? Maybe it was her chance at breaking Tyler's protecting wall. She didn't feel sleepy anymore anyway. But then, she entered the room. And saw the bed. 

The bed. Just one.

She looked at Tyler, dreading his reaction. He had set down the bags and was sitting on the edge of the bed, fidgetting. 

"If you're not comfortable, I can just... you know, sleep on the floor or..." he mumbled, looking at his fingers nervously. Lena couldn't help but smile. She had yet to know Tyler, but if there was one thing she learned about him, it's that he would always find a way to surprise her. She walked towards him and sat down on the bed as well. 

"Tyler, we've practically been sleeping in the same bed for the last few days. We'll just pretend we're on the old mattress in the back of the van, okay?"

"Okay." Tyler replied after a small silence. The situation was still awkward. Lena could feel it. She could feel that, out of the two of them, he was the most uncomfortable. And she didn't want him to feel that way. 

"I hope you don't snore" she randomly said, standing up to open her suitcase. While doing so, she watched him out of the corner of her eyes, and her conscience made an enthusiastic thumbs up sign when she saw Tyler smile lightly. 

"Of course, I don't snore. I'm Tyler Joseph. I hope YOU don't snore." He mumbled through his teeth, and Lena let out a sincere laugh. 

"Of course, I don't snore. I'm a princess." she replied, and Tyler rolled his smiling eyes, all the while taking off his shoes and turning on the tv. 

"Alright, Tyler Joseph. I'm just gonna take a shower." Lena added after picking up some sweatpants and t-shirt from her suitcase. He was now sitting crossed-legs, still on the edge of the bed, watching some kind of anime. In other words: just a kid. He turned his head for a brief second, offering her a smile.

"Alright, princess." he whispered, shifting his head again towards the tv. When she opened the bathroom door, Lena was blushing. 


Filler chapter. I'm sorry if this is boring. I hope you stick around.

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