Chapter Twenty Two: Behind

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"Dude, what was that?"

Lena was still shaking. When she entered the room, interrupting the conversation that was about her, everybody fell silent for a while, before Josh took it upon himself to try and lighten the mood. He explained with great gestures that he took the call only because he thought it could be important, and he swore he was meaning to go get her but then he met that "wonderful french friend" and the conversation went on.

But Lena didn't want to hear excuses or apologies. She didn't mind, really. What bugged her, though, was that Julie had said things she shouldn't have. After a few minutes of "au revoir" and waves, the boys woke up Mark to go get some breakfast - but really, they were just eager to leave the room, either because they felt they had done something wrong or just because they wanted to discuss what they had just learned about Lena. 

Behind the screen, Julie looked down at her hands apologetically.

"I don't know, I'm sorry, I didn't think... I thought they knew..." She didn't look up while talking and Lena's anger dropped down a bit. She unclenched her fists, breathing slowly in and out.

"Did you say anything else?" She asked, although she had heard pretty much everything. She just needed to make sure. She had managed to build a relationship with the guys, and she considered them as her friends. She clearly hoped the feeling was mutual, but she couldn't let her past rip apart the little good she had managed to finally find. 

"What do you mean?" Julie said with furrowed brows, now looking up at her own screen.

"Did you say anything about what I did or about..." Lena started, a little bit impatient now, but Julie interrupted her.

"Oh that! No I didn't, I swear. Lena I'm really sorry..."

Lena sighed. She couldn't be mad at Julie. After all, she was the one who had made the mistakes that led her up there. She was the only one to blame. And as much as she wanted to forget her past, there were some things, and some people, she couldn't just leave behind like that. 


Lena got off the van, still half asleep from the long night drive. She didn't really know what time it was, and really she didn't care. All she cared about was slouching on a real bed, crawling under fresh sheets and sleeping for a week, at least. 

In silence, everyone took their bags out of the trailer. Lena then followed them up the driveway and to the door. The house was the one Zack threw his barbecue party at, and she wondered if he lived there too. Mark told her they were a bunch of guys living in the same house, but she didn't remember if he had told her their names. It would be great if Zack did live here, because he was nice and she missed him. But it was about 4 in the morning, and he wouldn't be up anyway.

Yawning, she dropped her bag in the dining room, waiting for the guys to give her instructions as to where she would sleep. Ultimately, as Mark had already fallen down on the couch - poor guy had been driving for hours - Josh took Lena's hand and led her to the stairs. The house was dark, and no one took it upon themselves to even switch on the lights. Lena had to be super careful not to trip on anything - socks, random stuff, it was a boys house after all - and she sighed with relief when Josh lighted the hallway. 

"You're just gonna take Michael's old bedroom. He moved out a few months ago." Josh whispered, hinting Lena on the fact that there were indeed other people already asleep in the house.

"Did you guys kick him out?" Lena asked genuinely. It was unfathomable to her that someone would leave this place. It seemed so friendly and cosy and... Yeah, it seemed like a home. Josh let out a brief laugh. 

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