Mikasa Ackerman

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name- Mikasa Ackerman

gender- female 

age- 19

height- 5'5 

weight- 149 lbs

birthplace- Shiganshina

birthdate- febuary 10th

lives in wall rose

status- alive

RELATIVES: Kenny ackerman(uncle, dead), Levi ackerman(cusion), Kuchel Ackerman(aunt, dead), mother(mrs. ackerman, dead), dad(mr.ackerman, dead), and the jaeger family, (they adopted her, ill explain why). 

Mikasa is a fairly tall, physically fit, and very muscular teenage girl with chin-length black hair which she initially wore longer, but cut short at Eren's suggestion, despite telling her it was beautiful. she has a Asian blood line with pale skin and calm, cobalt eyes. Her body has been depicted as extremely well-toned, with little, if any, in the way of body fat along with muscles lined throughout her arms, legs, and abs. Mikasa also has a small scar below her right eye, which she received after Eren unknowingly attempted to kill her in his Titan form.  

When Eren was nine years old, he saved Mikasa Ackerman from being sold into slavery by . On a visit to the Ackermans' home, he and his father discovered both parents murdered and their daughter missing. Fearing the worst, Dr. Yeager instructed Eren to stay within the house while he fetched the Military Police. Eren, however, wanting to rescue the missing girl as soon as possible, tracked the kidnappers to a small cabin in the forest behind the house. Opening the door to the room where Mikasa was being held captive, he found her lying on the floor with two of the kidnappers keeping watch. Feigning distress and claiming that he was lost, while keeping a knife hidden, the kidnappers dropped their guard. One of them closed in on Eren, who then stabbed him, before quickly ducked back out of the room. As the second man went after him with an axe, Eren charged him with a makeshift spear, piercing him in the shoulder. Once he was down, Eren proceeded to stab him to death in a wild frenzy while Mikasa looked on.

as Eren untied her in the aftermath, he was caught off-guard by the third kidnapper, who proceeded to strangle him. Mikasa picked up Eren's knife, but balked at the thought of using it to kill someone. Eren urged her to fight back, warning her that they would both be killed if she did nothing. As Eren began to lose consciousness, Mikasa finally lost all inhibition and lunged at their attacker, stabbing him through the heart and killing him.

When Dr. Yeager eventually returned with the MPs, he took Eren aside scolded him angrily for his reckless behavior. While Eren was genuinely sorry for upsetting his father, he expressed no remorse whatsoever for killing the kidnappers. When Mikasa remarked that she was cold, Eren gave her the scarf from his own neck; and when Dr. Yeager invited Mikasa to live with their family from then on, Eren accepted her with no hesitation, tugging on her sleeve and shyly insisting that they return home. Mikasa now wears the scarf all day, everyday, ever since she got it. it is precious to her. she never leaves it anywhere, and she alwasy has it on. 

A few years before joining the Yeager family, Mikasa appeared to be a cheerful, outgoing, yet unusually perceptive child. From an early age, Mikasa was aware of the harshness of nature, witnessing the manner in which predators would hunt and kill weaker prey. However, her innocence allowed her to push these thoughts to the back of her mind, and she continued to live happily with her parents. This peace was shattered when a band of criminals brutally murdered her parents before her eyes in a failed kidnapping attempt on herself and her mother. To save herself and her rescuer Eren, Mikasa managed to abandon all inhibition and hesitation, allowing her to kill one of her assailants following this traumatic event, Mikasa would gain a generally cynical outlook on life and accept the world as a cruel place where only those who are strong are able to survive. 

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