Erwin Smith

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name: Erwin Smith

nickname: tree, eyebrows 

age: 37? (it took me awhile to do the math.)

gender: male

height: 6'1

weight: 202 pounds

birthday: October 14th 

birthplace: wall rose

status: decesed 


Erwin Smith is the 13th commander in the Survey Corps, Erwin developed the Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation, and due to uncertainty about his future, he later named Hange as the next comander. though Hange is the titan freak, she is a intelligent woman and Erwin saw greeatness in her. 

Erwin had a commanding presence. He stood tall above most members of the Scouts with his blond hair kept neatly parted on the left side.

Erwin always wore a calm and collected expression on his face, with his icy blue eyes being one of his most striking features. His eyebrows were also quite noticeable, being very thick and bushy.

Erwin typically dressed in the standard military uniform, donning the Survey Corps signature green cape when on missions. He also wore a small, emerald bolo tie around his neck similar to the other military commanders, Nile Dok and Dot Pyxis. 

later in the series, Erwin looses his right arm during the battle with the Armored titan he got it bit off bby a titan. 

Erwin was a complex character, portrayed as serious, calculating, and always planning far in the future. While he trusted his men, he was the first to realize that there was a spy interfering with the Survey Corps and arranged for their capture. He was an eloquent speaker, able to sway many people, such as the military tribunal held to judge Eren and the trainees choosing recruitment branches to join. 

Erwin was very grim. He accepted all news, good or bad, mockery or praise, with the same attitude because he knew his objectives and would follow through with them. His ultimate goal was for humanity to once again rise up and become the dominant species over the Titans, a goal he was willing to sacrifice anything for. Even with his arm caught in a Titan's mouth, he ordered everyone to save Eren. 

He shared this unique stoic quality with men such as Garrison Commander Dot Pyxis, team leader Ian Dietrich and Commander-in-Chief Dairus Zackley. As Armin put it, Erwin like the aforementioned three men, had the ability to send his men to die if it would further the cause of humanity. He and they would sacrifice their own humanity in order to bring change to a world where those who cannot sacrifice things important to them will not change anything. Since he was able to make such commitments, he was a master strategist, shown multiple times through actions like capturing the Female Titan and leading a group of Titans to distract the Armoured Titan so the military could save Eren.

Behind his front of assurance and single-minded determination, Erwin revealed he still had his human side. Following the rebellion, he admitted he understood his audacious actions and questioned constantly if what he was doing was the right thing. He also showed remorse after sacrificing countless others for the sake of his ambitions, viewing himself as selfish. Even so, Erwin still held a firm resolve to protect humanity's future as well as understand the world within the Walls, a dream he had held onto since his childhood. His dream of understanding the world was so strong that he confessed to Levi that he considered it more important than the victory of humanity. 

As a child, Erwin was a curious and insightful individual who did not accept facts at face value. He asked why humanity had no memory of what happened before they lived within the Walls, because even if they had lost all their records, the first generation should have been able to teach their children. His father shared a theory with him that the king had altered humanity's memories when they first entered the Walls so he could control them better. Too innocent to realize why his father would not discuss this in the classroom, Erwin shared it with the other kids in town, which resulted in his father's "accidental" death, arranged by the Military Police Brigade's First Interior Squad. Erwin later enlisted in the Training Corps where he became friends with Nile Dok. with whom he shared his theory about the royal government hiding the truth about the world. The two of them planned to enter the Scouts, but fell in love with the same woman. Erwin forced himself out of it and Nile changed his mind to marry her while Erwin made the Scouts. 

there is so much more to wrist and i dont feel like it. :/ just watch the anime boi, then you'll understand more. and make sure to read the manga!


Erwin has a oil for his eyebrows to make them shinyer 

Erwin's motif was based on Adrian Alexander Veidet/Ozymandias, a character from watchman 

Hajime isayama says Erwin is single because he is not certain when he will die 

Isayama revealed his nickname as a child was "Eyebrows."

Since Erwin lost his right arm, he saluted with his left arm, which is considered to be an incorrect way of saluting.

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