Reiner Braun

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name- Reiner Braun 

nickname- reindeer 

age- 19

gender- male

weight- 209 lbs

height- 6'0  (15 meters in titan form, he's the armored titan)

birthday- August 1st 

birthplace- hometown 

status- alive

Reiner has short blond hair, gold eyes, and a defined facial structure. His large height, broad shoulders, and serious expression give him an intimidating presence. Reiner's Armored Titan form is 15 meters tall and has plates of hardened skin covering the entirety of its body, except for muscles in its cheeks that become exposed when it opens its lipless jaw, as well as the muscle tissue behind its knees, elbows, and feet. Its eyes are covered by white, organic lenses, and it has short, blond hair. While fighting Eren, it has been noted that it has high agility and is capable of moving at a fast momentum, despite its seemingly-heavy weight and being low on stamina.

Reiner is a passionate and honest person, with a strong sense of duty. He takes his role as a soldier very seriously and encourages others to do the same. However, he is also noted to have a kind heart and a tendency to always think of others before himself, taking on extra burdens for the sake of his comrades. He is stated to be the "big brother" of the other cadets. 

However, he is also revealed to have serious emotional and mental problems as a result of his actions, he suffers from borderline personality disorder. While still loyal to his true cause as a warrior, he was unable to cope with the guilt and has begun to suppress his true memories in an effort to escape. During these episodes, he forgets his true identity, believing himself to be a human soldier. There appear to be few differences between his "soldier" persona and his true self, though his true "Warrior" self is more ruthless and fatalistic out of necessity. Even so, he continually places himself at risk in an effort to reach out to Eren and Ymir. 

after the colossal titan kicks a hole in the wall, Reiner comes running at the wall. multiple garrison try to stop him but fail miserably since Reiner's armor and such. Reiner smashes through the wall like it was paper, letting more titans swarm the city. while everyone was distracted, Bertholdt and Annie go and steal their family records. after the attack, they disguise themselves as refuges in the trainee's. 

Over the next three years, Reiner continued his training with his fellow cadets. Reiner was noted by Keith Shadies to have exceptional mental and physical fortitude, as well as a great ability to gain the confidence of his comrades. Eren also came to view him as a big brother to the 104th and came to idolize Reiner and aspired to be as strong as him one day. However the guilt of all the people who died because of him caused Reiner to develop physiological trauma and he developed dissociative identity disorder, developing an alter-ego that believed he really was a soldier and not a Warrior. Sometimes Reiner would not be able to remember who he really was until Bertholdt reminded him which saddened his friend.

In the aftermath of Trost, Reiner enlists in the Scout Regiment. During the 57th expedition, he comes across Armin, who has narrowly survived an encounter with the Female Titan and are soon joined by Jean. Reiner is surprised when Armin deduces the Female Titan is in a human Titan just like Eren, and that she is after someone specific. Armin deduces Eren but Reiner is confused after Armin and Jean tell Reiner that Eren and Levi Squad are in the left wing, as Reiner's copy of the scouting formation had them in the right wing. Reiner asks where Eren is meant to be and Armin deduces the rear of the center rank.

Reiner, Armin and Jean subsequently devise a plan to follow and attack the Female Titan to slow her down and allow the formation time to regroup. Before attacking Armin tells Reiner and Jean to pull their hoods all the way over to cover their faces knowing that she will not kill them if she does not know who they are, as any of them could easily be Eren. After Armin and Jean are injured Reiner attempts a direct attack while the Female Titan is distracted by Armin's false claims that Eren is dead. Reiner is grabbed by the Female Titan and seemingly crushed but in reality secretly carves a message into her palm telling her Eren's true whereabouts.

Afterward, Reiner tends to Armin's head wound while Jean attempts to call back his missing horse. The group is preparing to decide who to leave behind, when Krista Lenz , having followed their flares, arrives with two extra horses, saving them. Stunned by her timely rescue and beauty, Reiner mentally expresses the desire to marry her.

and for the rest, you'll have to watch season two. once you do, ask questions :)


When designing Reiner, Isayama took the eyes and eyebrows of David Beckham, as well as some characteristics from a personal friend of his, and added them to the appearance of Private First Class James Francis Ryan (Matt Damon) from saving private ryan.

Reiner's bulky body is not the result of his training from his time in the 104th cadet corps, but is inherited from his parents. Isayama likens Reiner's predestined body to Fedor Emlineko , Koji Murofushi , and Hulk , people he believes to be naturally strong.

According to Isayama, if the 104th Cadet Corps had an arm wrestling competition, Reiner would place second, losing only to Mikasa.

ccording to Isayama, amongst his fellow 104th squadmates, Reiner is the most popular boy


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