Jean Kirstein

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jean is an amazing character, idk about the fanfics making him a fuckboy, he's actually pretty lit. 

name- Jean Kirstein

nickname- horseface, Jeanie 

age- 19


weight-143 lbs 

height- 5'7

birthday- April 7th

birthplace- Trost district

status- alive

Jean is a young man with spiky, light-brown hair shaved into an undercut style, with the shaved portion being black. He has small, intense brown eyes, and is said to have the same vicious look in them as Eren does. Jean is of average height and muscular build, and has a scowl similar to Eren's but is said to have a long face (a "horse face"). Jean has a blunt personality. He holds no restraint when it comes to speaking his mind, even when he knows it would not be wise to do so or when it could spark conflict. Jean is also pragmatic: he has a strong aversion to exposing himself to dangerous situations, and has openly admitted his desire to join the Military Police is due to wanting an easy and safe life. During his time as a trainee, Jean was extremely hot-headed, easily becoming frustrated and quick to resort to violence when pushed. Jean was also very cynical about defeating the Titans, believing that humanity has no chance against them.

Although he presents himself as self-centered, Jean places high value on the lives of his comrades, and is ashamed and horrified when he must leave helpless allies behind to save himself and others. He was also willing to risk his life even if just to slow down the Female Titan, as refusing to do so would have certainly resulted in countless more deaths. 

Jean has few friendships, like his closest friend is Marco. Since their days as trainees, Marco had been Jean's closest friend and confidant. Jean would occasionally mock Marco for his idealistic reasons for joining the Military Police, insisting that the only reason anyone would join would be for the safety and comfort. Jean and Eren initially share a fierce rivalry which stems from their differing viewpoints: while Jean sees Eren's eagerness to join the Survey Corps as suicidal and foolish, Eren sees Jean's desire of joining the Military Police as cowardly and selfish. Jean and Eren initially share a fierce rivalry which stems from their differing viewpoints: while Jean sees Eren's eagerness to join the Survey Corps as suicidal and foolish, Eren sees Jean's desire of joining the Military Police as cowardly and selfish.  It is actually Jean's desire to outdo Eren that pushes him to improve himself during training. Despite their bitter rivalry, which would occasionally turn violent, Jean also respects Eren to a certain degree, admitting that he lacks the latter's courage.

Jean has had a huge crush on Mikasa ever since he met her, and admires her beautiful black hair, although Mikasa has more or less remained indifferent to Jean. During casual conversation, Jean tends to blush and stutter around Mikasa and immediately jumped to her rescue when a Titan threatened her. Despite his crush, Jean does not sympathize with Mikasa's devotion to Eren, stating that most people do not share her willingness to throw their lives away for him. It was this same devotion that partially fueled Jean's resentment of Eren. 


Jean is the only character with a normal childhood

Jean his isayama's favorite character, but in a recent interview Reiner Braun soon replaced jean.

if the 104th training corps had a arm wrestling match, jean and Eren would tie

Jean is French for john which means "blessed by god"  

Jean's crush on Mikasa is because Mikasa is his dream girl; he's been drawing her before he met her.  

Marco loves Jean, and after Marco died, jean relized how much jean loved him 

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