Ymir Fritz

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name: Ymir Fritz 

nickname: freckles, lady Ymir 

gender: female

age: 75+ 

height: 5'6

weight: ummm idk? 130? 

birthday: February 17th

status: deceased 


Ymir is a tall, slender young woman with intimidating golden eyes and middle-parted hair often styled into a ponytail with long bangs at the sides framing her face. She has disheveled-looking brown hair held back with a red tie and usually wears the uniform of the Scout Regiment. 

Ymir's Titan form is considerably smaller than most Titans, standing at 5 m and is the shortest intelligent titan, She has long arms, a large nose, rugged hair, small black eyes, small pointed ears, sharp fangs and claws allowing her to easily climb trees and tear into enemy flesh. Unlike others with the power of the Titans, the body is not well-proportioned because her head is too big. Unlike the female titan her Titan form possesses no distinct, feminine features. Overall, it lacks the distinct similarity to her human form that the majority of other intelligent Titans show. Prior to eating Bertholdt and Reiner's friend Marcel. her Titan form was noticeably thinner, and her rib cage was more pronounced, her teeth were also straight and not sharp. She is also shown to be capable of coherent speech in her Titan form.Initially, Ymir appears selfish, cynical, uncooperative, exploitative and confrontational, but later reveals kindness, especially around Historia. She often criticizes people for being untrue to themselves, as when she berated Sasha who developed an extremely polite and formal way of speaking to hide her native accent. 

Over sixty years ago, in a residence outside of the walls, this nameless, homeless, girl lived in the streets as a beggar. Eventually, she was found by a man who gave her the name "Ymir," and brought her into a cult dedicated to "Lady Ymir" who held the "blood of the king." She was worshiped by many people in the cult, and Ymir chose to abide by her new role in order to bring happiness to those around her.  

However sometime later, the cult was discovered by a force of soldiers, and the man who named her claimed she had deceived him. Ymir chose to abide by her given name hoping to save the other members of the cult, but this proved fruitless and she was arrested as well as the other cultists. After being paraded around town and stoned by angry citizens, the cultists were taken to a remote borderline. Despite Ymir's pleas for mercy, she and the other cultists were transformed into Titans by an unknown method; however, since a syringe could be seen in one soldier's hands it appears they were injected with an unknown serum. Ymir ventured through the country outside of the Walls searching for humans to consume. Eventually, Ymir fell into a ditch and was slowly submerged in the earth as it settled over her and would remain in this state for over sixty years.

in the year 845, Ymir awoke when Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and Marcel as they were venturing to the Walls, and emerged from her imprisonment driven to feed on them. Ymir tried to consume Reiner but Marcel pushed him away as Ymir grabbed and consumed him instead as Reiner and Bertholdt watched in horror. Later that night Ymir somehow reverted back to her human form as a result of consuming Marcel in a desert, and when she saw the beautiful night sky she laughed for the first time in years. Eventually, Ymir found her way to the Walls and became a street thief within the interior. 

Sometime later, while scavenging for food in a church she overheard a conversation between members of the Order or the walls. regarding an illegitimate child of the royal family who was given the name "Krista Lenz" and sent off to the Cadet Corps. Upon hearing one of them express annoyance at her very existence Ymir felt pity for Christa, sympathizing with her position. In the year 847 Ymir enlisted in the 104th Cadet Corps to find Krista.

In the year 849, Hange zoe found the note book that belonged to Ilse Langar (iLse to under stand the first initals), a member of the scout regiment. she had the same facial features of Ymir, and got attacked during an expedition. she was the only survivor, because she abandoned her gear (had no gas) and started t run. she ran and ran while writing in her note book. one da he encountered a titan, and the titan spoke to her. it called her "Lady Ymir" and bowed to her. 

n the first day of training, Ymir and Christa venture outside and fetch refreshments for Sasha after her 5 hour-long run as a punishment. Ymir acts apathetic and shows little care for Sasha's well-being, telling Christa that she could use Sasha's stupidity to her advantage.  Ymir graduates in the 104th Cadet Corps outside the top 10, which Christa deems that she deserved to be there more than her. It is implied that she intentionally gives less than her full effort so that Christa could have the 10th slot. After graduation, she follows Christa into the Scouts. (it is meant to be! I ship it SO hard!!! don't believe me?) 

Ymir is in the Trost District when the Colossal Titan breaks down the gate. She is part of the squad that discovers a catatonic Armin and mocks him upon learning that he is the only survivor. This results in a brief and heated exchange with Connie before Christa steps in to mediate. In response, she requests that Christa marries her once the battle is over (YOS BOI. IT IS REAL.) She is later among the squads able to retreat over the when the order was given and waited on standby for further orders. 


She is romantically attracted to Historia, and utterly devoted to her. Her primary goal is to protect her no matter the cost. The two have a strong connection, and deeply trust each other even while keeping secrets. 

Her name Ymir is the very same as a primeval being in Norse mythology who is the progenitor of all Jotun, or ice giants, and the first living being. Ymir also means "the scream." 

The official website mentions Ymir is in love with Historia. Also at the series panel for Animagic 2014, producer George Wada confirmed that Ymir and Historia are a couple. 

Since Ymir was not given her true name in the first season of the anime, she was given the name "Freckles" (そばかす Sobakasu) during the credits. 

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