2. First Day

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A/N ^ That is your outfit for when it's mentioned!

(L/N) your last name

I wake up to the bright light coming through the window that, for some stupid reason, doesn't have blinds. I roll off my bed and grab one of the sheets from the mattress and try my best to shove it against the window to stop all the light from coming through. I roll around the floor trying to find my phone but when I did, I instantaneously remembered that I didn't charge it last night.

"Shit!" I whisper to myself as I slam my head into the mattress. I grab my backpack and throw it on my bed and search for my charger cable but of coarse, I forgot to pack one. I guess i'll have to find someone nice enough to let me borrow their charger this morning because I am not having a repeat of yesterday. I quickly clean my teeth, put my hair into a braid, grab a jumper and walk out the door, remembering just before the door closed to grab my keys. I walk along my floor asking each apartment if they had a charger I could borrow until I end up at the last one, the one right next to mine. I knock on the door and wait for a reply, nothing.

I knock again, a little harder this time, but still no response. "ehh, maybe their just out." I say quietly, as I start to walk away. But then the door bursts open and a boy stands there huffing and puffing.

"H-hey! Sorry I was just erm...baking." He says swinging out the door into the hallway, then scratching his neck awkwardly .

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if you had a phone charger I could borrow? My phone is dead." I look at him and his face drops

"A-ah yep, I do." he walks back into his apartment with his eyes wide open

*Peter's POV*

Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god! She's the person that I was helping last night. I swear to god if I screw this up and say something about last night I'm going to actually flip.

I speed walk into my bedroom and unplug the charger from my wall, and go out and stand in the door way.

"Here you go." I give her the charger and a little smile. She takes it, thanks me and starts to go back into her apartment so I do the same.

"Oh wait!" I hear her say, so I swing back into the hallway.

"I'm (Y/N)." she says holding out her hand.

"I'm Parker, I mean Peter." I say, shaking her hand.

"Well nice to meet you Peter not Parker" She says giving me a little smile and closing her door behind her.

Oh my god I look like an absolute idiot.

*Time jump to the next day*

*(Y/N) POV*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off that I set stupidly early so that I could get ready for my first day at Midtown. I get up and put on a grey long sleeved shirt, maroon skirt, some tights, a scarf and some black heels making sure not to break the schools uniform rules on the first day. I curl my hair and put a small amount of makeup on which is not really noticeable, but there. Finally I put on my watch, which I made back at my old house.

"Hey Iris" I say into my watch

"Hello Miss (L/N). How are you finding Queens?" she says back

"Yeah it's alright, um can you look at when the next train to Midtown comes please?"

"Sure can, The next train comes in 15 minutes."

"And how long does it take to get to the train station from here?"

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