24. you

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"I have what?" I say back in confusion

"Acute psychological parasitic syndrome" He says again.

"Listen, No one at the hospital could find out what was wrong with you but being myself I knew I could do better. So I looked at the records and your personal stuff that Tony and Bruce were able to give me and that's what it is. You cannot tell anyone outside of this compound about what you have, understood?" His eyes staring right into mine.

"Well I don't exactly 'know what I have' so I think we're fine." I say sarcastically.

"There's only one trace of someone else having it but basically someone is controlling you through your brain." Dr Strange carries on.

"Hense the parasite part. Who ever is controlling you is getting all the benefit whilst... slowly killing you." Doctor Banner finishes.

"Great so I have no control over myself and I'm dying." I say sarcastically trying to cover up the fact I'm freaking the fuck out.

"Yeah pretty much." Tony says, I shoot him a glare and turn back to the doctors.

"So is there anything that we can do to fix it?" I ask, hoping to not hear what I think I will.

"Well because it's so rare we don't exactly know how to fix it." He says flatly.

"Okay, tell me if I'm wrong but I have some weird disease-"

"acute psychological parasitic syndrome" Dr Banner whispers

"That means someone is controlling me, which is slowly killing me and you don't know how to fix it." I say trying to understand everything I just got told.

"Yeah that sounds about right" Tony says from behind me, getting up and walking over to my vitals that are still up on the screen. I sit on the bed breathing slowly trying not to let it all overwhelm me, Steve notices and kneels down and pats my knee.

"Kid, it's okay, just look at me" He says softly. Everyone seems to back away as my breathing starts to quicken.

"(Y/N) look at me." He says again, bringing his finger up to my chin to make my face look at his.

"You are okay, just breath." He says again. Loud beeps start coming from the machine and I can see they're starting to panic. The beeps get louder and louder until they're almost deafening.

"Steve get away from her." Tony shouts from across the room. I clench my head in pain as the beeps get louder and louder and louder. I can feel the blood running from my ears as the electronic squeals get louder. I roll on the bed onto my knees and clench them to my chest, tears streaming from my eyes, I try to scream but no sound comes out. Something opens and I'm suddenly wrapped in a person. Their arms pulling my head towards them, holding me close to their chest. I keep trying to make words come out my mouth but they get stuck in my throat and it just comes out as puffs of air. My lungs burning from not being able to breath, I hear something softly as I continue rocking against the person.

"(Y/N) it's okay! you're alright. I've got you." My muted cries for help coming out sloppy, I take a deep breath and try to slow myself. The beeping getting quieter as my lungs refill themselves with cold fresh air.

"It's okay, I have you, you're safe." They say again, my breaths slowing down more but the tears still coming out from my eyes. My whole body is shaking as my shaky breaths become the only thing I could hear in the room.

"It's okay." They say softly again. Their arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I open my eyes and see Peter sat behind me holding me up. He brushes a piece of wet hair behind my ear and I sigh.

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