26. please

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Peter's POV

I run around the complex rallying up all the people we have either in the avengers or other teenagers like me who are strong enough to fight. I get them all into the gym and Mr Stark tells them what's going on. He decided we would split up in troops of 5 to cover as far beyond Yarnell as we could. I was with Mr Stark, Thor, Loki and Captain, who came back in hearing the news from Thor. We decided to make our way up through Michigan, others went to New York, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky and Connecticut. We were trying to make sure that all of the possible places she could have physically gotten to by now were being covered. We knew that it was a long shot but something inside of us all believed.   

As we drove along the roads of endless amounts of cars we listened to the radio just to calm ourselves down, until a breaking news alert came on and everyone went silent.

"Breaking news! The city of Detroit has been forced to evacuate after suspected 'Ivy' terrorises the neighbourhoods. We will advise to evacuate cities around this area as we are told this the most dangerous thing that has happened in America since the war. This is Daniel Gorman and it has been breaking news."

We all stop to look at each other, before Mr Stark opens up one of those car secret hiding places and pulls out a siren.

"Hold this up." He says, handing it to me.


"Just hold it up, and make sure you're holding on tight." And with that the siren started to sound and the cars moved out of our way so we could speed through the traffic. Mr Stark was speeding down the road, I could only see the faint blurs of the cars as we passed, we were all quiet until Mr Stark started speaking.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y I need you to get fury to come and pick us up in a jet or something to take us to Detroit. He has to come now, I don't care if it's him or not, just get a jet to us asap." He says into the air before putting his foot down harder.

*Time jump*

"Okay, guys. We don't know where she is or what she's doing but we need to split up to find her quicker. I've synced us all up with microphones so when you find her tell us and your location will be sent around and we should be there within a minute. Got it." He says. We all nod and split off in separate directions.

I swing my whole body forwards, as far as I can go, speeding around the skyline of Detroit. Trying to move as quickly as I can because like Mr Stark told me before, she's dangerous. I keep swinging until I hear a crash. I look over to see a spurt of water flying up into the sky.

"Mr Stark I found her, she's like a mile away from me. Under that big water thing in the sky." I say quickly changing directions and finding my way to her.

"Okay kid, we're coming. Stay safe." He says.

I keep going until I see her, dropping to the ground around 20 feet behind her. I walk behind her slowly, making sure I don't make too much noise until everyone else gets here. I can barely even tell it's her anymore, it looks like she's lost a lot of weight and her hair is black and short (Sorry your hair is already black and short), but it was still her. Soon enough the rest of the team line up behind me. I look back to Mr Stark before speaking.

"(Y/N)?" I shout, but she doesn't turn around.

"(Y/N)!?" I shout louder, this time she turns around and looks at me. It's like she wasn't there anymore, her eyes were just voids of emptiness. She starts walking towards me, slowly, she captured all the intensity and held us intrigued whilst she took her time.

"Come on we don't have all day." Mr Stark says from behind me, I furrow my eyebrows at him and walk forwards a little.

"Kid don't. It's not safe."

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